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I SAT UP STRETCHING MY BACK and rubbing my eyes. I looked out to the yard below at the ground that we had taken. I was proud of us, we'd done well. The others looked like they had just woken up too. I looked to the left of me coming face to face with Daryl.

"Hey" I said quietly still half a sleep.
I completely forgot that we had both slept up here.
"Ya sleep well?" he asked breaking the eye contact looking out to the yard.
"Yeah. Thanks" I said looking down a little awkward remembering I had slept on his lap.
Don't get me wrong, I love to tease him because he's so sexually awkward, but last night, sleeping on him wasn't a joke - I felt something for him and I didn't like it.

"Hey" Glenn yelled to us looking up at the watch tower.
We both stuck our head over the railing looking down at him.
"Come on love bird-" Glenn started laughing.
"I will kill you in your sleep" I grumbled scowling at him.
He quickly looked down trying to avoid mine and Daryl's glare.

I gathered my three guns and put them in there appropriate holsters before stashing my knifes away where they belong. I set off behind Daryl heading down the stairs.
"Well you aren't a morning person" Rick chucked as I got to the bottom of the stairs.
I frowned confused.
"You've been up 10 minutes and you're already giving people death threats" he said chuckling.
I smiled and shrugged at him.


"Ready?" Hershel asked before opening the gate.
Me, Rick, Daryl, Glenn, T-Dog and Maggie moved quickly through the gate not giving the walkers an opportunity to escape. I held a knife in each of hand, bringing my clenched fits up to my face so I can easily attack the walkers.

As we moved in formation a walker snarled next to me, I quickly extended my arm sending my knife into it's skull before pulling it back out.
I looked down the prison yard to see about 20 walkers. This was a blessing to my eyes. I know this is possibly psychopath behaviour but I enjoyed killing walkers. It gave me a chance to let off some steam and some pent up energy.

"Stay in formation" Rick yelled to us all. But before he could finish what he was saying I set off running towards the group of walkers.
"Isabella!!" He yelled after me.
I continued to jog ahead ignoring him. I killed a few lone walkers as I jogged past them.
"Daryl!" Rick said out of stress.
"What am I supposed to do?" Daryl spat back.

Hearing the men argue over this made me chuckle. I turned around and began to jog backwards giving Rick a smile and a wink before turning back to the walkers.
I moved between them dodging their snapping jaws before plummeting my knife into their skulls.
After killing most of the walkers I stood at the door to the prison with my arms folded looking at the rest of the group. I couldn't help but smirk.

"Princess" Daryl grumbled as he walked up to me with the rest of the group.
"Don't call me that" I grumbled back.
We started to move inside the prison but before we went in we heard snarls of walkers coming from around the corner. I felt a hand pull me back and spin me round before slamming my back into the wall. I looked up to see Daryl's icy blue eyes and his body pinning me to the wall. I looked up at him raising my brow and smirking.
"Stop it" he mumbled pushing himself off me.

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