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7 months after the farm

MOVING AS A COHESIVE UNIT, me, Rick , T-Dog, Daryl, and Carl breach a house, eliminating the rotters inside.
Over the past few months, Carl has stepped up. He's listened to instructions and since then become good with his knife and gun. I've been teaching him a lot so I have spent a lot of time with him. He's the closest person to a brother for me.

I moved down one of the corridors with my knives held high. There was a door at the end which I could hear movement behind. I gripped my knifes tighter preparing my self to come face to face with a walker. I grabbed the door handle depressing it and opening it quickly. I lunged my body forward ready to kill to only realise it was Daryl standing there with his crossbow ready. I let out a little chuckle and shook my head.

After we completed the search of the house, we called the others in.
Lori and Rick still aren't on good terms, especially after it became public knowledge of Lori's affair. This made her hate Rick more, which really confused me when it was her who couldn't keep her legs closed but whatever.

We all sat in the living room of the house. I sat next to Daryl who was plucking the feathers out of the owl he had killed in a room upstairs, while Carl began to open up a can of dog food.
How has it come to this?

Rick walked over snatching the can out of Carl's hand before looking at it. He turned round throwing it at the fire place. Carl jumped not expecting his outburst.

I sat awkwardly playing with one of the feathers that Daryl had plucked out of the owl. I ran it through my fingers feeling the silky touch of the feather.
"Keep it" he mumbled looking down at me giving a small smile. I looked up to him sat on the window sill and gave him a little smile back tucking the feather into my pocket.

"Hey" T-Dog whispered to us all looking out of the window.
My head snapped up to see a group of walkers coming towards us.

We all stood up quickly grabbing our sleeping bags and rucksacks before running out of the house.
I ran to Maggie's car about to open the door before I felt someone nudge me. I looked up to see Daryl "c'mon" he mumbled nodding towards his motorcycle. He ran towards his bike with me following him. He quickly straddled it waiting for me to get on behind him. I hopped on wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my cheek against his back.

My and Daryl's friendship has been quite confusing, it always has been. He's always been very up and down with me but now it's just getting worse. When we are on good terms he's so nice and makes me feel something that I never thought I'd feel for Daryl Dixon. But when we aren't on good terms he's so angry, he just flips at me. He's never violent or anything like that but he becomes this angry redneck. For some reason it's only when he thinks my life is in danger or if I'm been a 'princess'. He never fails to confuse me.

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