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I LATCHED MY HANDS ONTO A BRANCH and began to do pull ups. Out in the woods I would try to do this daily. It helped to keep me strong and maintain focus, as well as giving me something to do. It got really boring out their alone. I hated it. But it was much safer than been with a group. I didn't need to rely on others or trust anyone else and my judgement wouldn't be clouded by my emotions.
I survived for myself. It was plain and simple.

"Hey" Maggie said walking towards me.

I let go from the tree and dropped to the floor landing on my feet.
"You okay?" I asked her

"I found a map of the area. We've decide to split it into sections to search for Sophia. I thought you'd want to help" she replied.

"Yeah I do, thank you" I smiled.

We both set off towards the rest of the group.
"So - what happened with you and Daryl last night then?" She asked smirking.

I frowned.

"Glenn told me you had a little talk last night" she smiled.

"Yeah that was about it. Just a little talk" I said laughing a little.

I don't really know what she was trying to imply. Me and Daryl? No thanks.

"Mmhmm" she replied still smiling.

Once we reached the others I collected my weapons out of the bag and put them in the appropriate holsters. Hershel didn't want us carrying guns on his farm. I didn't necessarily feel unsafe without them as I knew I didn't need them but I felt much more comfortable with them strapped to me.
I rolled my shoulders feeling the comfort of all my weapons back with me and a small smile tugged on my lips.

"Better?" Shane asked laughing a little.
I nodded.

Me, Daryl, Shane, Andrea, T-Dog, and Rick are going to go out and look for Sophia. Glenn, Maggie and Dale stood with us around the hood of the truck which had the map laid across it.

"I'm gunna go out on horseback and look for Sophia. I can spot her better from the ridge" Daryl said holding his crossbow on his back.
"I'll go with you" I offered.

Everyone's head snapped towards me. I saw Glenn's face, he had his eyebrows raised staring straight at me with a hint of shock. It was clear they thought something was going on between me and Daryl. It was annoying me.

"Naw. I'm better at this alone" he responded nodding with a small smile.

Everyone looked awkwardly at the floor. They saw this as a rejection. I didn't understand how I only offered to help him, if it was anyone else I'm sure they wouldn't react this way.

T-Dog joked that today might be the day that Daryl will see his chupacabra. Dale fills Rick and me in on the time Daryl said he saw a chupacabra. I held back a laugh.

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