Chapter one

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"Forget what I said

It's not what I meant

And I can't take it back,

I can't unpack the luggage you left.

What am I now?

What am I now?

What if I'm someone I don't want around?

I'm falling again,

I'm falling again,

I'm fallin'"

It had been a few days, maybe a week since the fight at the high school and its been tough.

Turned out Miguel was in coma, Robby was running away from the police, Tory got expelled and Sam was suspended for two weeks. Maeve was also lucky to only get suspended for two weeks, thanks to the secretary that Tory fought for that stupid microphone.
She put in a few good words for Maeve, since she tried to stop Tory and didn't participate in the assault in that room.


Maeve was not doing well.
Everything was just going to shit. Her dad was out most of the time, getting drunk instead of looking for a job and overall just wasting their money.

She understood that it is hard for him.
He lost his son again and was worried about him since the police were out looking for him.
He is close to losing Miguel who has been kind of like a son to him.
And he lost his dojo to Kreese along with his students.

But all those things were hard for her too.

She had a fight with the boy she loved and now he could just die at any given moment. It killed her to think that she didn't talk to him and instead ran off to fight Sam and now she might never be able to talk to him again.
Then she was scared for Robby, he's been all alone out there for days.

And then there were the other Cobra Kai students.

She hadn't spoken to Aisha since the fight. Her parents forbid her to talk to anyone from the dojo again.
They moved away and put her into a private school.

She also hadn't spoken to Tory since the fight and she honestly didn't know if she should.
Maeve knew that she was having a hard time taking care of her mom and her little brother, but every time she wanted to call her, in her head she saw Miguel falling off the balcony again.
And that was reason enough for Maeve to not call her.

So that made her lose two of her best friends.

Then there was Hawk.

He was the only good thing that happened during this time.
He's been there for her all the time.
Hawk checkt in every day to make sure she was doing ok and let her call him in the middle of the night when she couldn't sleep or just woke up from a nightmare.

That was another thing that made Maeve's live much harder then it already was.

Terrible nightmares.

Random panic attacks that could be triggered by anything.

And she was constantly scared, which didn't help with the attacks the she was dealing with.

But Hawk was there with her.
He was there when her father was out getting drunk.
Hawk helped her get a part time job as a waitress so she could at least help pay the rent.

Right now Maeve was getting ready for her shift. She had to put on that vintage looking red and white waitress dress, that was way too short for her liking, but hey, it got her a better tip.
She applied a red lipstick and put on her white shoes, before grabbing her jacket and made her way towards the diner.

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