Chapter eleven

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Important question at the end!

"Maybe I just wanna be yours

I wanna be yours

I wanna be yours

Wanna be yours

Wanna be yours

Wanna be yours"
~ i wanna be yours by arctic monkeys

Later that day, Maeve grabbed a few cushions from her bed and a few of her favorite movies and went over to Miguel's.

She managed to knock on the door without anything falling down, making her grin.

"Oh, let me help you with that." Miguel told her once he opened the door.

He took the cushions and closed the door behind her.

"Thanks." Maeve smiled and went towards his room.

In that moment Carmen came out of the kitchen. "Hey, Maeve. It's so nice to have you stay over again. The popcorn is in the kitchen." She told them grinning.

Maeve's eyes widened. No one said anything about a sleepover.

"Yeah, I'm happy to be here too." Maeve told her, chuckling nervously.

"Thanks mom." Miguel said awkwardly.

"I'll get the popcorn. You can chose a movie, they're on my bed." Miguel told her and rolled into the kitchen.

Maeve nodded and entered his room.

Not much changed. It was tidier then usually. She guessed Carmen helped him clean it, because of the whole wheelchair situation.

Maeve sat down on his bed and went through the DVDs.

When Miguel entered his room Maeve was already putting the movie in.

He put the popcorn on his side table and sat himself down on his bed.

"So, what are we watching?" He asked, putting his arms behind his head.

Maeve turned around and held up the movie cover.

"The third Narnia movie." She told him excitedly.

Maeve grabbed the remote and let herself fall onto the bed beside him.

But then she sat up again and switched a few cushions around, before laying back down again.

Miguel chuckled at her and grabbed the popcorn.

"What?" She asked, also smiling.

"Nothing." He shook his head, still grinning.

Maeve narrowed her eyes at him, but didn't say anything.

They were halfway through the movie and had switched to eating chips.

Maeve felt like something was different then the other times they had a movie night.

Maybe it had something to do with him kissing Sam and her kissing Hawk.

She couldn't pin point it, so she just decided to ignore it and laid her head on Miguel's shoulder.

He smiled down at her and wrapped an arm around her, softly stroking her back.

She smiled at the feeling, he always made her feel warm and at ease.

At some point during the movie they fell asleep again.

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