Chapter fourteen

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WARNINGS: mention of panic attack and smut (Now, if you're my friend and know me in real life, please do not read this, K? 😂) and for those of you who are uncomfortable with stuff like that you can just skip the chapter once they start, nothing else happens after.

"You can try

To get under my

Under my

Under my skin

While he's

On mine

Yeah, all on my

All on my

All on my skin

I wish you knew

That even you

Can't get under my skin

If I don't let you in"
~ Skin by Sabrina Carpenter

When they arrived at the apartment complex, Maeve stayed behind her dad and Miguel, her mind buzzing with thoughts.

"You need to tell them what karate means to you." Miguel started talking to her dad, making the blond look up.

"How you started Cobra Kai to help kids like me, taught us to stand up for ourselves." He continued.

"Maybe this is a blessing in disguise." Johnny told him.

Miguel turned to him, confused.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked.

"It's not like you were even gonna fight anyway." Johnny told him, making Maeve look up in surprise.

She wasn't expecting that.

"Of course I was." Miguel exclaimed.

Johnny stopped at their apartments and turned to face the boy.

Maeve stood a little bit behind them.

"Training with no contact is one thing, I can't risk you getting hurt again." He told him, gesturing towards Miguel's legs.

"That's not fair. I'm working hard, getting better." Miguel told him, seemingly hurt.

"For your safety." Johnny tried to explain to him.

"I thought safety was for pussies?" The brown haired boy asked.

"This is different."

"You don't think I can do it!" Miguel yelled at him.

Suddenly the door to Miguel's apartment opened and Carmen stepped out looking worried.

"You almost hurt yourself with one kick! One kick! What do you think is gonna happen in a real fight?" Johnny asked.

Maeve cold see that Miguel was hurting and she so badly wanted to stick up for him. But she knew her dad was right.

He just wasn't ready yet.

"Look, you already proved you could win." Johnny told him more calmly.

"I need to prove it again!" Miguel exclaimed.

"You said you'd always be on my side." Miguel reminded him, sadly.

And without waiting for his answer he brushed past his mom and went to his room.

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