Chapter four

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"If I could change

The way

That you see yourself

You wouldn't wonder

Why you hear,

'They don't deserve you'"

When Maeve was walking home, she got a call from Carmen to let her know that Miguel woke up and that he was able to get visitors now.

Maeve couldn't believe it. Just a few days ago he was still in coma and now he was up. 

Maeve cried happy tears the whole way to the hospital.

On her way she called Demetri to tell him the good news. He was also very excited.

Maeve left a voicemail for Hawk. He was probably at the dojo.

Once Maeve was at the hospital she grew nervous. She didn't know in what condition he'd be.

When she got to Miguel's floor she almost ran into Carmen. "I'm so glad you came. He's going to be so happy to see you. Just be careful, he's still weak so he can't move much or talk." She told her, making Maeve nod.

She rounded the corner and could already get a glimpse of him trough the window.

He was sitting in his bed, watching TV.

Maeve gently knocked on the door that was already open and smiled softly at him.

Miguel turned towards her and his face lit up with joy.

"Maeve." Was all he said and that was enough for her to tear up.

She stepped into the room and gently pulled him into a hug. Miguel wrapped his arms around her and that was the best feeling ever.

"I'm so glad you're up." She told him, about to sit in the chair beside his bed. Miguel grabbed her wrist shaking his head. "Come lay with me." He told her gesturing to the bed he was laying on.

Maeve was unsure for a moment, not wanting to break anything, but who could say no to those puppy dog eyes of his.

So she carefully laid down beside him on her side, so he still had enough space. He wrapped an arm around her head and let her rest her head on top of it.

They were both staring at each other, taking in everything they could.

"I missed you." Maeve told him after a few minutes of silence. Miguel smiled and brushed some hair out of her face.

But suddenly his smile fell. "I'm sorry about what happened at Moon's party." He told her.

Maeve shook her head. "Let's not talk about that now. I'm just glad you're ok." She cut him off.

Miguel lowered his eyes and when he looked up again he had tears in his eyes. "I don't know if I'm ever going to be ok again." He told her, his voice breaking.

Maeve frowned at his words and wiped away a tear from his cheek. "What do you mean?" She asked quietly.

It took him a few seconds to answer, still fighting tears. "The doctors said I might not be able to walk again. I can't- I can't feel them Maeve." He told her gesturing to his legs and with that he couldn't hold his tears back anymore.

Maeve hugged him and rubbed his back as he sobbed into her chest. He was holding onto her like his life dependent on it.

"It's going to be ok." She whispered softly as she ran her hand trough his hair. Miguel shook his head. "They're going to find a solution, ok? They'll do everything they can, I promise." She told him and he nodded.

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