Chapter three

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Warning: mention of panic attack and sexual abuse!

"Welcome to the panic room

Where all your darkest fears

Are gonna come for you

Come for you

Welcome to the panic room

You'll know i wasn't joking

When you see them too

See them too

Welcome to the panic room"

It turned out Johnny did get into trouble because he was drunk again and managed to get himself into jail, twice.

Maeve wasn't talking to him, she was very disappointed.

He promised her to be there for her and then he just went back to drinking.

She was still hoping he'd make it to her ballet show, because that'd mean the world to her.

It was also really hard to avoid all the other drama that was going on in her life right now, since it was everywhere on the news.

And to make everything worse, today was Maeve's first day back at school.

Hawk had offered to pick her up, but she decided to walk. Maeve wanted to clear her head and calm herself down before stepping into school again.

The fist thing she saw when she walked in was security.

She was a little thrown back, but quickly gave them her bag to inspect.

"Thank you." Maeve told the man, before stepping out of line towards were Hawk was standing with some of the other Cobra Kai students.

They were hitting on some girls.

"...So if anyone gives you any trouble, just come to me. I'm the guy-" but one of the girls interrupted him.

"Who wets the bed and got kicked into that trophy case. Yeah, we know." She told him and left with her friends.

Bert and Mitch started to laugh causing Hawk to threaten them.

He then noticed Maeve and seemed to get a little embarrassed once he saw her smile.

"Well that was something else." She told them and watched as the girls passed Demetri and greeted him.

Demetri looked after them in shock.

"Someone knows who I am. A human female." He told Chris, who smiled at him.
"You famous now, 'Met."

Maeve giggled at them, causing them to turn around.

Maeve's smile fell when Hawk stepped in front of her, to be eye to eye with Demetri.

"Got something to say?" Mitch asked Chris and waved a hand in front of his face.

Chris had a smug look on his face. "Yeah. Check out my new Lit book. There's a lot hard-hitting shit in here. You know what I mean. " He told him.

Hawk turned towards Demetri again. "This security isn't enough to protect your scrawny ass." He told him. Maeve looked up at him, shocked.

"I don't need security." Demetri told him in the same tone.

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