Chapter eight

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"If I could change

The way

That you see yourself

You wouldn't wonder why; here,

They don't deserve you

If I knew it all then

Would I do it again?

Would I do it again?"

When Maeve stepped outside, she immediately spotted her dad and Miguel's family.

They stood next to Carmens car.

Miguel and Johnny were talking, while Carmen watched them skeptical.

Carmen was the first one who noticed her and smiled.

"You looked really beautiful out there Maeve." She complimented the blond.

"Thank you!" She smiled up at her.

This got the others attention.

Miguel turned his wheelchair so that he was facing her.

"Yeah, you looked amazing." He smiled at her. This made her look down, with a small smile on her face.

After they talked about the show for some time, they decided to leave.

But before Maeve could go towards her dad's car, a hand on her wrist stopped her.

She turned around and looked down at Miguel.

"Hey. I just wanted to say that I really loved to watch you in there. You looked so beautiful and happy. And I feel like that one dance made it so much more special." He told her, his eyes not leaving hers.

"Thanks." She said smiling softly at him.

From the look on his face she could tell that he meant every word he said.

"Um, I was thinking we could maybe go to my place and watch a movie or something?" He asked.

Miguel wanted to spend more time with her. He felt like she had changed a lot during the time he was in coma and he didn't want them to drift apart.

Maeve could feel her heart beating faster.

"Oh. Um- I can't. I mean, I'm really tired and I desperately need a shower and it's already so late." She rushed. The blonde cringed at her own words.

The boy's face fell. He knew it was too early to ask something like that. He didn't want her to feel uncomfortable around him.

But that wasn't the reason she was acting that way.

She felt guilty for kissing Hawk.

But she also didn't regret doing it.

Maeve wondered if Miguel felt the same way when he kissed Sam.

This brought her to the next issue.

She had to tell him one way or another.

But she wasn't ready yet.

"That's ok. Maybe another time." He said, faking a smile.

Maeve smiled back and made her way towards her dad's car.

Once she was buckled up, Johnny turned towards her.

"That was really cool. You looked happy." Johnny told her, driving out of the parking lot towards their apartment.

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