Chapter six

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"I am not the only traveler

Who has not repaid his debt

I've been searching for a trail to follow


Take me back to

The night we met."

It all happened so fast. One moment he was yelling at her and then he kisses her.

Maeve didn't know what to do, but when the reality of what was happening set in she pulled away.

Maeve took a step back and just stared at him with wide eyes.

She didn't know what to say. Was she supposed to say something? Maeve just didn't know and in that moment she just couldn't say anything.

Hawk just looked at her and she couldn't define what he was feeling in that exact moment.

So without saying anything, Maeve turned around and rushed towards her apartment, closing the door behind her.

"Are you ok, what's happened?" Johnny asked her as he walked into the room.

She sent him a glare and went straight into her room.

She started to walk up and down in her room, concentrating on her breathing.

Thoughts were going wild in her head.

So she went to the only place she knew would stop it.

"Where are you going? It's late." Johnny asked her as she walked towards the door.

"I'm going out. And you don't get to tell me what to do." She told him, angrily.

Maeve was disappointed and angry at him, because Robby was all alone at that place, probably scared out of his mind. He needed his dad to tell him that everything would be ok, but he wasn't there. Again.

And she wouldn't forgive him that easily.

Johnny was about to say something back, but she slammed the door shut behind her.

She quickly walked away, so he wouldn't follow her.

After walking for a few minutes she finally stood in front of a familiar building. There was a sign on top saying 'Dynamite'.

It had been some time since she'd been here.

She walked in and just like always, she came to party all the stress and confusion away.

Maeve got herself a drink and began to dance.

It had been some time and although she had fun, she just couldn't get the kiss out of her head.

It made her think back to when they were dating and how much they changed since then.

"I'd like a beer, please." Someone asked the bartender from beside her. Her head immediately shot up.

She knew that voice.

"Tory?" She asked., looking at the blond beside her.

She turned and smiled sadly at her.

"You're having a bad day too?" She asked, gesturing towards her half empty drink.

Maeve nodded.

"So, um.. how's Miguel?" She asked Maeve carefully.

"He's awake. And he got surgery for his legs so that he can walk again, but they don't know anything for sure." Maeve answered.

"How's your mom?" Maeve asked her.

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