Chapter fifteen

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"So you can

Lie lie lie lie lie

Go ahead and

Try try try try try

It won't work this

Time time time time time

I kiss your ass

Goodbye bye bye bye bye

I'll kiss your ass goodbye"
~ Lie Lie Lie by Joshua Bassett

The next morning, Maeve woke up to the bed moving and soft kisses on her back.

Maeve smiled and opened her eyes to see Hawk hovering over her still shirtless, but now wearing some boxers.

"Morning." Maeve said sitting up, but making sure to keep the covers close to her chest.

"Hey. You wanna eat breakfast?" Hawk asked, brushing some stray hair behind her ear.

He then leaned in to give her a soft kiss, leaving her smiling like an idiot.

"Yeah, I'd like that. But I have to get dressed first." She told him.

"All right, I mean if you have to." Hawk said half jokingly, making Maeve slap his arm, giggling.

"I put your clothes on that chair. I'll be downstairs if you need me." He told her, before pressing another kiss to her lips.

Once he was gone, Maeve got up and started to get dressed, still smiling.

She just felt so great.

After putting on her undergarments and shorts, she noticed one of his hoodies laying next to the bed.

Maeve smiled and decided to wear that.

Once she was ready, Maeve made her way to the kitchen and smiled as she watched him make pancakes.

She approached him and hugged his waist from behind.

Maeve got on the tips of her toes so she could put her chin on his shoulder.

"That smells good." She told him, making Hawk smile at her.

He was so grateful to finally have the girl he loved at his side.

"Oh, I'll make the hot chocolate." Maeve told him, letting go of him.

Hawk chuckled. "Yeah, you do that."

But as she stared to make her way around the kitchen, the red haired boy noticed the shirt she was wearing.

"Nice shirt. Looks familiar." He said, grabbing two plates for them.

"I know, right? But you know what they say, whoever finds it, gets to keep it." She said, walking behind him with their hot chocolate.

Hawk laughed at that.

After their breakfast, Hawk had to go to the dojo.

He dropped her off at her apartment first.

When she approached the apartment she noticed Miguel standing next to her door, making her groan internally.

"What do you want?" She asked the boy.

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