Chapter thirteen

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"And I know we weren't perfect

But I've never felt this way

For no none

And I just can't imagine

How you could be so okay

Now that I'm gone

Guess you didn't mean

What you wrote in that song

About me

Cause you said forever

Now I drive alone past your street"
~ Drivers License by Olivia Rodrigo

A few days went by.

Every day after school, they met up at the park and trained.

Maeve couldn't help but notice Miguel struggle to keep up.

And he was getting pretty frustrated about it.

But she pushed that in the back of her head as Johnny parked the car.

Maeve looked up to the building where she visited her brother multiple times.

The blond was really exited to see Robby again.

They walked up to the door and Johnny pushed the button a few times trying to open the door.

"It's locked. They'll buzz it open when he's on his way out." A voice behind them said.

Maeve turned around and saw Mr. LaRusso.

"You gotta be kidding, they called you?" Johnny asked him, while Maeve glared at the man.

"I called them. With Shannon still in rehab, I wanted to make sure someone was here to pick him up." He tried to explain himself.

Maeve scoffed. As if they wouldn't be there.

She leaned on the wall next to the door and watched them.

"Well, we're here, aren't we?" Her dad told the man.

"I'm not looking for any trouble. I'm just here for Robby."

"I'm pretty sure Robby doesn't want you here." Maeve told Daniel.

"Yeah, Robby doesn't need you. You've done enough. Thank you. Goodbye." Her dad spat at him.

"You got it all under control?" Daniel asked, getting frustrated.

"Yeah, I do." Johnny answered.

"Just like you had Kreese under control, right? What did you think would happen, summoning that devil back to earth?" Daniel asked, making Maeve scrunch up her face in confusion.

That didn't have anything to do with Robby.

"Kreese is my problem."  Johnny told him.

"Not anymore. He's made it crystal clear that he's everyone's problem. As usual, I'm gonna have to be the one that's gonna clean up your mess." Maeve shook her head at the man.

"I clean up my own messes. And I'm dealing with it." Johnny told him, his voice raising.

"How exactly are you dealing with it? Gonna barge in there and beat him up? Worked out really great at the chop shop." Daniel told him, his own voice raising.

"Those guys deserved it." Her dad said back.

"That's your problem Johnny. Your whole life you've been striking first. You never once considered maybe you should think first." Daniel told him.

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