Chapter two

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"I pull you in to feel your heartbeat

Can you hear me screaming please don't leave me

Hold on I still want you

Come back I still need you

Let me take your hand

I'll make it right

I swear to love you all my life

Hold on I still need you"

The next morning Maeve woke up to her alarm.
Yes, she did get suspended, but that didn't mean she could skip the schoolwork.

So the blond woke up early to get it all done. This was better then to spend most of the day working on it.

But before she did that, Maeve ate breakfast.
She could see Johnny laying on the sofa, probably too drunk to make it to his bedroom.
She sighed and put a blanket over him.

When she was halfway through her schoolwork, there was a knock on her door.
"Yeah." She said, turning towards her door.

Johnny smiled at his daughter sadly. He was relived that she wasn't giving up on everything, not like him.
"Hey. I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry about everything and that I'm not around much." He told her.

Maeve stood up and hugged him. "It's ok. We're both going through some tough times. But I really need you, dad." The short girl tried to hold in the tears in her eyes.

Johnny was also fighting the tears in his eyes. He felt like he disappointed her and let yet another one of his kids down.
And he just didn't know what to do to make it better again.

"Yeah, I know. And I'm here now. I'm here." He told her squeezing the girl into his chest. This time she couldn't hold back her tears and started to sob into his chest.

Johnny rubbed her back and waited until she calmed down. When she did, they sat down on her bed.
"So, tell me what you've been doing these days." He told her, making Maeve smile.

"I actually have a job now. Well a part time job, to help with the rent." Maeve told Johnny, who didn't look too happy about her decision.

Johnny didn't know what to say. At any other time he'd be proud of her, that she was taking her live in her own hands. But now that he didn't have a job, he didn't want her to take all the responsibilities into her hands. After all, that's what parents are there for.

"Oh, that's great. I'm really proud of you, but worrying about paying rent is my responsibility, not yours." Johnny started to tell her, but she cut him off.

"I know, but I thought it'd be great to have a little bit more money. And I'm actually also using it for something else." Maeve told him and a genuine smile spread onto her face.

Johnny looked at her confused and interested at the same time. "And what's that?"


Maeve stood in the changing rooms and was putting on her outfit.
When she was finished, she put on her shoes, it was one of the pairs Hawk gave her for her birthday, wich made her smile.

She put her leg warmers over them and walked into the studio along with the other girls.

Yes, Maeve finally decided to take ballet classes to let lose of everything that was bothering her.

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