Chapter nine

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"Before this river

There comes an ocean

Before you throw my heart back

On the floor"

When they finally reached the hospital, there were already a few nurses waiting to get Demetri to a doctor.

The three of them drove with Sam's car, while the others went home.

The whole drive there Sam was crying, probably because she felt guilty.

Maeve on the other hand only had dried tear streaks painted on her cheeks.

She was so sick of crying. She was so angry, her fists were clenched so that her fingernails left little red moons on her hand.

Maeve wasn't only angry at Hawk, she was also angry at Tory. She just didn't understand why she hated Sam that much.

Sam and Maeve were let into a separated waiting area and were told to wait until someone came to call their parents.

But Maeve didn't plan to stick around for that.

"Can you text me when you know anything new about him?" She asked the brunette who sat down on a chair.

She looked up at her in surprise. "Where are you going?" She asked.

"I'm preventing another escalation between our parents." She smiled down at her bitterly.

Sam nodded. "Yes, I'll text you. And Maeve?" She asked just as the blond was about to leave.

Maeve turned back to her. "Yeah?"

"Thank you for helping me back there, it really meant a lot." She told her.

Maeve nodded and made her way home.

It took her way longer to get home then she anticipated.

But she was surprised to see her dad standing at Miguel's door with Carmen and Miguel.

She made her way towards them. 

Carmen was squealing excitedly.

"Hey, what are you all doing out here?" She asked with a small smile.

They looked towards her with big grins.

"Come on, show her." Johnny told Miguel, hitting his shoulder softly.

Miguel watched his foot and to her surprise he cold move it.

Maeve laughed out and watched it in amazement.

"Oh my god. That's so great, I'm so happy!"She exclaimed and rushed forward to hug him.

Carmen was just as excited. She turned towards Johnny with tears in her eyes.

"Thank you so much!" She exclaimed smiling at him.

"It was all the kid. Told you he was a fighter." Johnny told her, looking down at Miguel who grinned up at him.

"Don't get too cocky. We gotta get you out of that chair." He told him.

Miguel rolled his eyes playfully. "Yes, sensei."

Maeve smiled at them.

"All right. Well good night." He told them.

Maeve gave them a wave, but began to laugh once Miguel shot her with their famous finger gun gesture.

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