Chapter twelve

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Tell me what you're doing

On the others side

And so

Just tell me

What you're doing with that other guy"
~Friends by Chase Atlantic

Once both teenagers were ready to go, Carmen was nice enough to drive them to school before her shift at then hospital.

To say that Maeve wasn't nervous would be a lie.

So much happened in the time Miguel was focused on getting on his feet and Maeve felt guilty for not telling him.

"Hey, are you ok?" Miguel asked after they waved his mom goodbye.

"You've been so quiet." He said, looking at her worried.

Maeve just shook her head. "Everything's fine. It's just... the security guards freak me out a little bit." Maeve told him, lying through her teeth.

Miguel nodded and followed her into the school.

Once they were through security, Maeve felt eyes on her.

When she looked up she saw several students smiling at Miguel.

On the railing there was a sign saying 'welcome back Miguel'. That made her smile.

Suddenly everyone started to cheer and clap as they smiled at the brown haired boy.

Someone came up to him. "Hey, good to see you." He told him and walked away.

A few other people came to greet him, making Maeve's eyes widen.

"Wow, I didn't know you were this popular." She told him, making Miguel chuckle at her shocked face.

"El Serpiente!" A familiar voice exclaimed from behind them.

Hawk approached them with a smile.

Maeve sighed, staying a little bit behind Miguel.

Miguel smiled at his friend. "What's up?" He asked as they hugged, shaking hands.

Her eyes met Hawk's briefly, but she couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Welcome back, man." Hawk told Miguel.

"Feels good to be back." Miguel told him, but he seemed a little bit off as he smiled at the red haired boy. It almost looked fake.

"They give you bionic legs or some shit?" Hawk asked jokingly, looking down at the other boy's legs.

Miguel himself looked down. "No, same old human legs." He replied.

"Oh, yeah? Can you throw down? Gotta defend that title." Hawk said, chuckling as he playfully threw a punch at him.

Miguel took a step back, with a tight smile. Maeve wanted to step in, but Hawk continued.

"Gotta get through me first. Dude, Cobra Kai is crushing it right now." He told him, making Maeve scoff.

Yeah, adding Kyler and some other assholes was definitely an improvement. She rolled her eyes.

Miguel sent her an confused look, before turning back to Hawk.

"I've actually been meaning to talk to your about that." Miguel began, but he was interrupted by the bell ringing.

"I'll talk to you about it at lunch." He told him.

"All right, sure." Hawk nodded and walked up the stairs.

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