Chapter seven

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"You know how they say

You got the real thing

When nothing else matters

I love you like that

I love you like that

I love you like that

I love you

I love you

I love you like that"

They were like ten minutes away from their apartment, when Johnny decided to speak up.

"So, when's your big performance?" He asked her.

Maeve scoffed. "After all that just happened you're asking about ballet?" She asked, looking at him in disbelief.

"Look, I'm really sorry about everything and I know I fucked up again, but I wont give up, ok? Not again, I'll keep trying to be a better dad. For both of you, all right? And now I'm interested about my daughters ballet tournament, so tell me about it." He told her seriously.

Maeve had to hold in a giggle. "It's not a tournament, dad. And its in two days. I'll be at the studio all day tomorrow, practicing everything. And we'll have to try out our costumes for the last time, to see if they really fit." She told him.

Johnny only nodded as he listened to everything she said.
She knew that Johnny always tried his best when it came to his kids. Even when he messed up, he still tried to make it better.

Maeve knew this because she knew him, he has always been there for her. And when he wasn't he'd make up for it.

She was still mad at him for a few things that happened in the last few weeks, but he's her dad, so she'd always forgive him.

It still sucked that Robby was constantly met with disappointed from their dad. Maeve knew that Robby's life was so much harder then hers and that's why it was so hard for him to trust people.

That's why she swore to herself that she would never leave him. After all, she was the only one that hasn't hurt him.

Maeve watched as they passed their apartment, making her turn towards Johnny in confusion.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

Johnny only smiled at her.

"We're visiting Miguel." And with that he speed up.

Once at the hospital, they made their way towards Miguel's room.

Maeve immediately felt bad as she watched him reach for his phone, but couldn't get it.

"Hey." Maeve said as she entered the room.

Miguel turned to smile at her, but when he saw his sensei it slowly disappeared.

"What are you doing here?" Miguel asked him.

"Want the phone?" Johnny asked him, not answering his question.

"Yes." Miguel answered sadly.

Suddenly Johnny shoved the table with Miguel's phone to the wall, away from him.

Maeve stared at him confused.

"Go get it. " Johnny said, while looking at Miguel.

Miguel sighed. "I can't walk. Even with the surgery I might never be able-"

"Quite!" Johnny cut him off, making both Miguel and Maeve flinch.

He then looked down at his former student.

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