Chapter five

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"Don't you say


Don't just say


I'll pick up these broken pieces

'Till I'm bleeding

If that'll make it right."

The next day Maeve was really excited to go to the hospital with Hawk to visit Miguel.

But she felt like school was never ending.

Her leg kept on bouncing all day throughout classes.

When school was finally over, Maeve dragged Hawk towards his motorcycle.

"I have to go to the gas station before we go to the hospital, or else we might not get there." Hawk told her, once he turned it on.

Maeve groaned, but agreed with him.

When they finally reached the hospital, Maeve couldn't stop talking.

She was still so exited that Miguel woke up.

Miguel's door was open, just like the day before.

Hawk was the first one to walk into the room.

"El Serpiente!" He greeted him, using his nickname he had for Miguel.

Maeve chuckled and was about to follow him, when Hawk stopped in the doorway.

"What are you- oh." Maeve halted and her smile fell once she saw Sam standing next to Miguel's bed.

Sam looked at her guilty, before turning back to Miguel.

"I'm gonna go." She whispered softly.

"Ok, yeah." He said back.

Maeve walked into the room while Sam passed her, sitting down on Miguel's bed. Hawk was still at the doorway talking to Sam.

"Hey, how are you feeling today?" Maeve asked him with a small smile.

Miguel could tell that it was a fake smile.

He sighed. "I had no idea she'd come." He told her softly.

But Maeve was staring at the card that sat next to him. It was clearly from Sam, since there was an octopus on it. 

"Yeah, whatever." She said, not looking at him.

He was going to say something, but Hawk interrupted him.

"Hey, bro. What's up, man? You look good. I like the spot." He told him.

"Hey, man. I have a surgery on Friday. Some doctor from out of state, who supposedly works miracles." He told them, but he didn't sound very happy about it.

"Well, that's really good." Maeve told him, putting a hand on his arm.

She was not going to fight with him about some stupid card, when he still had a surgery before him.

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