Chapter sixteen

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"What if I'm down

What if I'm out

What if I'm someone

You won't talk about

I'm falling again

I'm falling again

I'm fallin'"
~ Falling by Harry Styles

(Warning: mention of panic attack!)

"Golf N'Stuff?" Maeve asked as she handed Hawk her helmet.

"Yeah, I thought I'd be fun. Or would you rather go somewhere else?" He asked her, grabbing her hand.

"No, it's perfect, I love it here." She told him.

With that they started to walk around and tried different games.

"Oh, look! Let's go there!" Maeve exclaimed as she saw the Ferris wheel.

She giggled like a little girl as she began to drag him towards it.

Hawk just watched her with an smile and lat her drag him.

As long as she was happy he was happy too.

When it was their turn, Hawk put his arm around her, making Maeve move closer to him.

She put her head on his shoulder and let out a sigh.

"Hey, what's wrong?" The boy asked.

Maeve turned her head to look at him with a small smile.

"I don't know, it's just... so much has been happening in a short amount of time, and I-I feel like I can't keep up." The blond told him.

"Yeah, I get that. Just know that whatever happens I'll always be there for you." He told her, stroking her cheek.

Maeve smiled and leaned in for a short kiss, that Hawk ended by leaning back.

"I've been meaning to ask you something ever since last night." He told her, chuckling slightly when she turned red.

"Yeah?" Maeve asked.

"I know there's a lot going on right now, but I really want us to stay like this. Would you like to be my girlfriend, I promise I won't fuck it up this time, I really like you." He told her.

Hawk didn't let it show, but he was really nervous. He really loved this girl and he would do anything to make her stay.

Maeve smiled at him lovingly.

"Yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend. And I really like you too." She told him.

This time it was Hawk who leaned in to capture her lips in a kiss. Maeve smiled into the kiss, loving the feeling he was giving her.

"Don't worry, we'll get through this together." Hawk told her after thy broke away.

Maeve nodded with a big smile, before they had to get off. 

They decided to just walk around for some time, so Maeve quickly grabbed his hand and lead the way.

They were just joking around about something when Maeve suddenly stopped.

"What? What's wrong?" Hawk asked.

"Is that... my dad?" Maeve asked confused as she squinted towards a bench where two people were sitting.

Before he could answer, the blond began to approach them.

And it was indeed her dad sitting with a blond woman that looked quite familiar.

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