Chapter ten

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"'Cause baby now we've got

Bad blood

You know, it used to be

Mad love

So take a look what you've done

'Cause baby now we've got

Bad blood"

Maeve locked eyes with him, but didn't stop dancing. Her movement became more aggressive with each step.

Once the dance ended she was out of breath.

"That looked grate Maeve, but maybe a little less intense next time." Her dance teacher told her, before she started to prepare for the next class.

Maeve watched as he walked outside, sending him a glare.

He was probably waiting for her to get dressed.

Maeve sighed and quickly changed back into her normal clothes.

When she stepped outside she could already smell the cigar he was smoking.

She scrunched up her nose at the smell.

"What do you want?" She asked as she approached him.

Kreese smirked down at the short girl.

She resembled Johnny a lot. Just like her brother.

"I came to make you an offer." Her told her.

Maeve scoffed. "Yeah, right. The answer is no." She said rolling her eyes, ready to walk away.

"Let me tell you something about your dad. It's what I told Robby." He began to talk.

Maeve froze and turned around when he mentioned Robby's name.

"Your dad was always a scrapper. But the moment I knew he was the real deal was his first All Valley. He made the quarters, but he drew a kid named Vidal. Now Vidal was a third-generation black belt. Very skilled. Way beyond Johnny, at the time. Your old man lost." He continued, walking towards her.

"But he didn't make it easy. And I saw that look in his eye that he would never let that happen again." He ended his story.

Maeve raised an eyebrow. "So my dad was good at karate? Jeez I never knew." She said, unimpressed.

Kreese chuckled.

"What I'm trying to say is that I saw the same look on you in there. You didn't get it right, you lost. But you didn't let them bring you down. No, you got up and showed them that you're a force to be reckoned with. I saw it in your eyes. I knew it since the day I met you. You weren't happy with just standing on the sidelines. You wanted to prove yourself. That's why you joined Cobra Kai when I challenged you." He told her.

"That's exactly what I need in my dojo. Someone that is determined to work hard and never give up. Someone who is flexible and quick with moves. You're a smart fighter, you know how to pick your fights. I can make you better." He ended yet another speech.

Maeve chuckled. "You really think I'd believe your bullshit? You're sick. I saw what you did to the others, you brainwashed them. I would never join your dojo. " She said angrily.

With that she turned away and was about to storm off again.

"You can say what you want, but I know you need help with some of your issues. Panic attacks, nightmares... dealing with sexual abuse." Kreese sighed.

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