Lost Cause

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Chapter 15:


I woke up and jumped when I realized that I was laying in a hospital bed. I quickly told myself to look around and find someone to explain everything to me. My eyes widen when I saw my dad sitting in a chair right in front of me. He was wide away and he stared at me. His shoulders relaxed as he took a sigh of relief.

"You're woke." He stated as he keep his focus on me.

"Dad...I'm sor---"

"Do you have any idea how horrible that was? Me and your mom worried that we were gonna lose..." He cleared his throat as tears developed in his eyes. "We thought that we were gonna lose you again." He said to me with hurt in his tone.

"I don't mean to worry you. I just wanted to see if Orlando was ok." I said looking down feeling bad.

"Was it worth it? Did you at least find him?" He said letting a tear fall down. I tilted my head to the side and felt tears roll down my face.

"We found him, but no. It wasn't worth it, because he wasn't Orlando anymore." I said looking at my dad for an ounce of sympathy. He took a deep breath and wiped his face. Then he got up and sat on my bed. He wiped my tears and looked in my eyes.

"I am your dad. I know some time it may not feel like it, but I am. I just got you back, me and your mom, we just got you back. So please never do this again." He said in a soft and worried tone.

"I won't. I know you were trying to prevent this from happening. I get it now." I said thinking about how much Orlando change. "How did you change?" I asked him.

"What do you mean?" He said really giving me all his attention.

"When your mom died...how did you feel?" I asked him making him straighten up in a sigh.

"I didn't feel much of anything at first. It was all shock. It didn't feel real. Then over the years...anger and not just at my father. I was upset with myself. I thought that if I had just came home a little earlier...if had of just grab the gun from my father...maybe I could've did something to stop it." Dad said as he got teary eyed again. "I was empty. I was heartless; so much that I was famous for it. Everyone knew about my loss of empathy for anyone."

"I don't think you lost it. I just think you forgot it for a long time." I said with my eyebrows up.

"Exactly. Just give Orlando some time to figure things out. He will; he's a good kid. Right now he's too hurt from the world." He said making me nod.

"What turned things around? What made you find yourself again?" I asked. Dad smirked and sighed once again.

"The moment I met your mother. She made me feel for some one again. That's why I fell for her." He said smiling. I sighed and smiled with him. Exactly how long do I give some one to find themselves again...

Maybe I just won't wait at all...

Next Day

Me, Michael, Jandro, and Chanel sat in my room and waited. We all sat on my bed and waited for our parents to interrogate us.

Every last one of us had an injury of some kind. Michael dislocated her shoulder from one of the robbers pulling her too hard. Chanel had some bruises and a cut on her neck covered by gauze. Jandro had to get stitches on his forehead from a big gash created by a shard is glass one of the guys attacked him with. And I had a cut on my forehead and under my eye from the British guy's rings. I also landed on my arm wrong and sprang my wrist.

Mom, Dad, Ant, and Auntie Chantel came in very quite like. Mom was the only one who was calm because she knew. Dad had is narrowed eyes activated so I knew he was ready with questions. Uncle Ant had his bodyguard stance as if he was protecting someone. Auntie Chantel stood behind him with her arms folded and her face pissed off. I figured Uncle Ant was keeping her from killing us.

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