We Can't Talk

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Chapter 5:


"Was I a happy baby?" I asked Storm...I mean my...I guess my mom.

"Yes you were so happy." She said as she wiped a tear of joy.

"Why would some one want to take me away from you? Was it because...daddy sells drug or something?"

"No...no it wasn't. The woman who took you was your grandmother."

"Why would she---"

"I had a very...a very hard life with my mom that I'll tell you later about. Just know that our relationship was so bad that she made me believe she killed you."

"That's awful...she messed up our whole life together. She tried to take away a chance for you to have a good relationship with your daughter cause she didn't have one with you." I said feeling some type of anger.

"It's fine...we found each other." Storm said which actually calmed me down.

"I still have so many questions...but I don't want to ask all at once. I wanna leave them so I can get to know you and daddy." I said along her smile.

"What about Michael? Does she have any where to go?"

"They took her away from her family. Her mom use to beat her because she wanted a boy. There is no where else...besides...she's my best friend."

"I can tell...she has a home here just much as you do." Storm said with another smile. She pulled me into a warm hug and I accepted almost instantly.

"Umm...momma." I said making her pull away so she could see me.


"What is Al short for?" I asked her and she held my shoulders.

"Aleigha, but if you want, I can still call you Al." She said in a soft tone.

"Well your my mom. You should have the right to call me whatever you want." I said making her laugh. I guess she wasn't really use to being my mom just like I wasn't use to being her daughter.

Next Day

"I can not believe you found your parents girl! This is awesome." Michael said as she squeezed my arm excitedly.

"I know...but it's weird as hell because my dad is Rey Elías...like a legend in the streets." I said shaking my head.

"But it's cool!" Michael said shoving me to make me relax.

"I'm never pictured my dad being a drug dealer. It makes me nervous. What if, one day, the police finds out what he's doing and they take him away before I get to really know him." I confessed my fear.

"Aww..." Michael said as she gave me a side hug. "Well...he hasn't got caught thus far."

"Yeah he is pretty slick..." I said smirking at the fact that my dad was who he was. I was still afraid though...

"So don't worry, girl. He wouldn't leave you now that he's finally got you." Michael said as she leaned on my shoulder. I smiled knowing she was right telling me not to worry.

My phone vibrated and I checked it seeing that I had a text message. I unlocked my phone to see who it was.

"Who is that...Orlando?" Michael said in a teasing tone.

"Shut up. No it's---" I stopped seeing that she was right. I smirked and Michael smiled realizing that she was right. I read the text with a huge smile on my face.

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