Al and Michael

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Chapter 1:

As far as I can remember, I've always had to do for myself. I may have even taught myself to walk too. It's always been just siblings, no friends.

I've always been to many foster homes, but no one was ever right in the head. They were either taking in kids for the money or the sex. Thankfully I haven't been in the sex situation. Eventually they got tired of doing the foster home thing for me, so they put me in a group home.

I only have one thing that really belong to me and that's my old baby bracelet. It's proof that my parents cared. I realized after my fifth foster home, that they didn't just dump me on a doorstep. It was either they were dead or they thought I was.

"Hey Al, quit daydreaming. Freak." Rayan said as she pushed me. I nearly fell from her manly push.

I just ignored her and kept doing homework. I finished the last problem and put it back in my backpack. I put it on my back pack and walked to my room.

There was random girl in there and I looked at her confused. I usually have an empty fact I was the only girl in the group home with a room to myself.

"'re my new roommate or something?" I said as I walked in.

" name is Michael." She said as she stared unpacking her clothes.

"Michael?" I said in confusion. I dropped my book bag and sat on my bed.

" mom wanted a boy. That's kinda why I had to come here."

"Was she hurting you or something?" I asked with my eyebrows up.

"Yeah..." She sat on her bed and looked at me.

"My name is Al...well at least thats part of it." I told her as I held my hand out.

"What's that story?"

"Well when they found me I wasn't even one and they found my birth certificate, but it was burn. Al was the only part they could make out of my name."

"So...why are you here?" Michael asked. I sighed as I grabbed my journal.

"I honestly don't know. My parents are either dead or..." I shrugged.

"Oh..." Michael looked down slightly and sighed.

After a while, me and Michael became cool by the end of the day. I showed her around, told who to avoid and who was cool. I told her the rules and who not to piss off as far as the adults around here. I even told her about how school works around here.

Like me, Michael was smart ass hell, which is why she was roomed with me in the first place. In the few months that she was here she and I were so head of the class, that we were told we could graduate a month early.

It only took about six months for me and Michael to become best friends. I've never had a best friend before or a friend at all for that matter.

Soon we got sick of that group home, so we decided to leave. One night we just did it. We pack what we could in out book bags, stole some money from the staff and left.


"It's sooooo hot!" Michael said as we walked to the store.

"You wanna get some ice cream?" I suggested.

"Sure...I don't think it'll help, but a few minutes." Michael said shaking her head. We walked in the store and I went straight to the ice cream cooler.

"What kind do you want?" I asked as Michael grabbed some chips.

"Strawberry crunch." She said and I nodded with a smirk. I guessed it int head that that was what she was gonna pick.

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