Everything's Good...

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Chapter 18:


Rey's POV

"You sure Anelli left?" I asked Nathan for the 10th time. He sighed clearly annoyed at me asking more than once.

"Yes, for the last time. He heard about Ant coming for him personally and ran off." Nathan said making me tap my fingers trying to see if he was for sure.

"Smart..." Ant said in a dry tone. "But I'll still find his ass."

"If you were smart, you'd go after the asshole who actually agreed to going after Jandro. That's the one I would go after." Nathan said. Ant rushed toward him and grabbed his collar. He slammed Nathan against the wall and stared at him with a knife in his hand while he held Nathan with his other hand.

"If chu were smart chu wouldn't be telling me who to go after? What am I a dummy to chu? Do I have idiot written on my forehead, Nathan? Chu calling me dumb?" Ant said in a soft tone.

"No man...no I was just saying---"

"Chu were just shutting the hell up if chu value chur life." Ant threaten. "I didn't ask for chur dumb ass opinion; did I?"

"No. No you didn't, sorry." Nathan said nervously as he started at the knife Ant was holding in his hand. I knew that Ant wasn't really going to hurt Nathan. If he was he would've had the knife to his neck...period. Ant doesn't bullshit when it comes to killing. He was just touchy. He's been like that every since Jandro got out of the hospital and found out how he was put there.

"Ant it's cool man. We're gonna get that asshole, ok. Both of them if that'll easy you up. This just means we can calm our security down." I said trying to get him back focused.

"Why don't I uhh...tell MC." Nathan said looking for Ant to let him go. Ant took his grip off and slapped Nathan's face lightly and smirked.

"Yeah you do that, Nat." Ant said calmly which was scaring me because I do that when I'm most pissed. Nathan walked out cautiously as he held his chest which gave me a guess Ant's grip was rougher that not looked.

"You never call Nathan; Nat." I pointed out trying to brighten the mood.

"So where do you think he ran to, Rey. I say up north. That's where he started his business. He has a lot of allies there so he'll be protected." Ant said completely ignoring me.

"Let's just breath, Ant. We need to take it easy. I mean we've been looking for Anelli for longer than you've known." I said sitting down.

"I know. We've already establish how out side of this I was. But fuck that. I'm here now. I'm treating this the way it should've been treated a long time ago...personally." Ant snapped not looking at me making it known he was still pissed.

"And you think I'm not taking this personally? This mutha fucka is coming after all of us, not just you. I'm sick of you making this just about Jandro. He sent those guys after your daughter; you're other child, and my daughters, ok. Don't you tell me I'm not making this personal." I said offended that he would even say that to me.

"Rey just shut the fuck up. Your daughters didn't get shot and lose a kidney. They didn't spend months in a coma, so please spare me." Ant said stabbing the map hanging on the wall.

"So what you're mad at me? Are you serious mad at me for that?" I said annoyed.

"No I'm mad because my best friend for 27 years, my partner, didn't tell me information that I needed to know about what happened to my son. I'm mad because I feel like I can't trust you again. You didn't even find him when I found out, that's the least you could've done after sneaking behind my back!" Ant said finally yelling.

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