This Isn't About You

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Chapter 20:

2 Days Later

"I am getting really tired of this shit, little girl. Really I am." Anelli said as I touched my face seeing more blood after he hit me.


"Maybe I should just kill you like I planned. I'm not getting anything out of you and it'll teach your dad a lesson for hurting Orlando." Anelli said holding his hand out to Yung.


"Yung give me your gun, boy." He said through his teeth.

"But umm..." Yung trailed off as he looked back and forth between me and Anelli. His eyes held confusion because he was torn. "What benefit would you have killing her? I mean yeah she's Rey Elías' daughter, but you will only further piss him off. He lost her once and killing her would be losing her again. That man will hunt you down and kill you, fam." Yung said sneaking a glance at me.

Anelli turned to Yung completely and put on his thinking face. He looked down on the floor and eyes scanned the floor. His head popped up and looked back at Yung. His eyebrows lifted and he smirked.

"Give me my gun, Yung." Anelli said in a calm voice.

" You still need to know where Orlando is, right? Killing her, his friend, wouldn't get information. Better yet killing her wouldn't get the information from Rey either. It wouldn't get information from anyone working for him." Yung said taking up for me even more.

"Yung, give me my---" Anelli's voice started to muffle as my vision blurred. I was drifting off because of the beatings and I was scared...what if I never wake up.

* * * *
"Hey...hey wake up." A whisper said to me.

I jumped out my sleep feeling a presence. I opened my eyes seeing Yung kneeling down to my level. He had his hand in a snapping position. He slowly move his hand down and looked at me with his eyes filled with concern.

"There you are." He said in a soft tone. I felt my legs automatically move up making my knees touch my chest. I just stared back at him as he looked in my eyes.


"He's not going to kill you, ok." Yung said cutting me off as if he read my mind. I started to open my mouth, but his hand went up. "I'm not going to kill you. No one is." He assured me. My shoulders relaxed and I felt a tear fall relieved that I wasn't going to die.

Yung stood up and backed away still looking at me. He sighed and started walking toward the table. He took his gun out and sat it on the table like before. I jumped when I heard the heavy gun drop on the table. Yung turned to me and lifted his eyebrows. I must have made a noise for him to notice.

Yung cleared his throat and went on the other side of the table tapping his finger on it. He hummed as he scratched the hair under his chin. He was thinking about something. His tapping stopped and he looked up at me.

"You must be hungry." He said looking for an actual answer. I was too suprised to answer. I thought maybe he was just messing with me. He head leaned forward and his eyebrows shot up as if to say "Umm hello I'm talking to you". I tried to talk but my mouth was so dry that I just found myself nodding.

"Yeah I figured. We didn't feed you in days." He said looking down. "Well I got some food. It'll be here soon." Yung tapped his fingers on the table a couple of time.

"But...he'll wo---"

"Anelli won't be back for a while; don't worry." Yung said with his hand up reading my mind once again. I swallow what little moisture I had left and looked away.

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