The Anelli Street Hunt

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Chapter 11:


Al's POV

"Taco, dude you got do something other than sitting there looking pretty." Michael said making Tac laugh.

"You laugh but you don't get yo ass up." I said slapping his arm.

"Fine I will help chu all with this Navidad tree." He said as he sat down his egg nog and grabbed an ornament from the box.

"Thank you do much for your help, Tac." I said tapping him in the back. He smirked and rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." He said in his slight accent. Me and Michael started laughing at him.

"This is looking great you guys." Momma said as she walked in with her sweats and a plain tee.

"Yeah no thanks to Taco." Michael said as she put more ornaments on.

"I put that one on." Tac said pointing to the one he just put on.

"" I teased making Tac look at me with surprise since I'm usually on his side with stuff like this, but not today.

"Well if that how chu feel about it." Tac said folding his arms and about to sit down.

"No no no! Don't pretend like you're hurt so you can get out of working more." I said pulling him back toward the tree.

"Alright I found it." Daddy said making us stop decorating. "This angel was my mom's." He added as he set up the latter.

"Ok ok we're done so who's going to put up the angél?" Tac asked looking up.

"Well usually Chanel put it up...but since it's y'all two..." Momma trailed off.

"Well we can all do it I don't mind." Chanel said as she got up.

"Alright alright." Daddy said coming with two chairs. Me and Michael were on the side of the tree and Chanel was in the middle behind it. All held the angel and posed for the picture, then placed it on the tree. Chanel plugged in the angel and Michael stepped down to light up the whole tree.

"That's beautiful." Momma said looking at the tree. "And look at you three looking like the Power Puff Girls." She added.

"Ight now let's got bake some cookies!" I said rushing to the kitchen.

"This is what chu promise, Al." Tac said right behind me.

"I told you trim the tree first and then bake cookies." I reminded him.

"Hey Tac. I was wondering if chu wanted to come over and bake some Christmas cookies." Tac read on his phone.

"Well I meant trim the tree too." I said laughing that he proved me wrong.

"What's going on in here? Are we baking the cookies yet?" Auntie Chanel said as she walked in the kitchen.

"Sí señ Al promised." Tac said making me laugh. I waved for him to come closer and help me shape the sugar cookies.

After the cookies were all baked me and Tac decorated them with green, white, blue and red frosting. I made the snowman and he did the Santa clauses. It was so much fun and I notice that we were the only two doing the cookies. I don't think it was just by chance either...

Suddenly dad came rushing in the kitchen with his phone to his ear. He started pacing back and forth and he took deep breaths.

"He's got so goddamn nerve." He said to whoever he was talking to. Me and Tac looked at each other in the same amount of confusion. Then Tac's phone rung and vibrated on the counter. He immediately picked up without looking at the caller id.

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