Anelli Did This?!

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Chapter 17:

Late February

"*¿A dónde te escondes hijo de puta?" MC said as he study the map of our city. (*Where are you hiding you son of a bitch?)

"He would be a complete idiot if he's over on our territory." Paris said standing next to MC. He crossed out another square of the map.

"He's a complete idiot period, so I wouldn't be surprised." Dad said in an annoyed tone.

"He's a pussy for sending his boys on a 17 year old kid. I want to personally punch him with the nose of my gun...*una y otra vez." MC said making me laugh. He looked back at me and smirked. (*over and over.)

"If Ant knew I'm sure he'll want to introducing Anelli to his special knife." Paris said shaking his head.

"What special-"

"None of your business. You shouldn't even be in here." Dad cutting me off. He walked out the room and MC turned to me and got closer.

"Es a wasp knife. Chu stab the person and when chu press the special button, well...let's jus say es a messy clean up." He said smirking. My eyes widen at him knowing exactly what he meant by that.

"Whoa that's sick." I said softly in case my dad could hear.

"Ant never use it on anyone because he was never that pissed off, but Storm..." Paris trailed off making my eyebrows shoot up.

" mom? Like my mom? My mom used it before?" I asked looking for answers.

"She ummm...she had good reasons." MC said looking down.

"What? Why did she-" I stopped seeing my dad come in the room. I didn't want them to get in trouble for telling me about the knife or even my mom having to use it...but I wonder what in the world she used it for. Who pissed her off that much? I mean it had to be a horrible weapon if Uncle Ant, master of knives, never even used it.

"Nathan said he might have a tip on where Anelli is." Dad said to MC and Paris.

"He better be right this time." MC said in a stern voice.

"Paris you hang back and regulate the security." Dad ordered. Paris sat his jacket down and sighed. He nodded in respect and watch as my dad and MC walked out. He turned to me and smirked.

"Let's get you upstairs." He said nodding toward the door. I didn't move when he move and he turned back to me.

"What did my mom use that wasp knife? Who was it for?" I asked him straight out.

"I think that's something you would want to ask your mom." Paris said looking down nervously. It must have been really bad. What ever that person must have been the worst. I couldn't imagine what happen to my mom because thinking about it just pissed me off. My mom was a sweet person, she was only mean when she had to be. Something was up and I needed to find out...

Hours Later

We sat in the hospital, me, Auntie Chantel, Mom, Chanel, and Micheal, right by Jandro's side just waiting for him to wake up. Chanel stayed quite for once not blaming herself for thee hundredth time. I leaned on my mom shoulder still thinking about that wasp knife she used years ago. I wanted to ask her but I figured now wasn't a good time.

"How is Alejandro doing today?" The nurse said walking in with a smile in her voice.

"Same as before." Chanel said in a "duh" tone.

"Well Alejandro, you gotta stop being such a heartbreaker and wake up for your girls. They're all here to see you." She said rubbing his hair.

"Would you stop? God, don't you think he'd wake up if he could, lady? Jeez just shut up and do your job." Chanel snapped.

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