words hurt

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hi !
alright this is yet a another tik tok inspired story but with my own twist!
so you know the song that goes "he's just a little attention attractor" well this story is based on this  that says (for the people who don't know it):
"he's just a little attention attractor
when he grows up to be a comic or actor
he'll be rewarded for never maturing
never understanding or learning
that every day can be about him
theirs other people you selfish asshole"
enjoy :)
btw this story isn't with the dream smp this is a different au but still is kinda in the minecraft, not a lot of people world. that's so for most of my stories
also one more thing, I don't like writing about su!c!de, so keep that in mind while reading cus one bit kinda sounds like he might

It was late on a saturday night, tubbo, phil, wilbur, and techno were all hanging out together in the living room.
Tommy wasn't feeling well so he went to bed early.
Everyone, besides Tubbo, was drinking a little bit.
"Can you guys explain to me why tubbo and ranboo came back to the house with bruises on their face?" Phil asked laughing
"So basically Tubbo, Ranboo, and Tommy, all decided it was a wonderful idea," wilbur paused to laugh,
"to get a tarp and put it on that really big hill out back, run water, put soap, and go down it."
"in retro speck it sounded like a good idea!" tubbo tried to add
"hehe well TOMMY had the stupidest idea of having Tubbo and ranboo RUN down the damn thing and race"
This made everyone laugh.

Tommy couldn't fall asleep, and heard all the laughter so he decided he was gonna go back downstairs get a snack, and then try to back to bed.

"It went as well as you would think, and Ranboo and Tubbo fell flat on their face, multiple times. Tommy just sat at the bottom laughing his ass off." techno said with his monotone laugh

Everyone was giggling and laughing over the stupidity of the three teenagers, and slowly the laughter died out.
Tommy finally made it out of bed and to the top of the stairs,
"yeah, Tommy likes to make others do stupid things, but gets all mad when he gets dragged down with them."
Tubbo didn't really mean this in a bad way, it's true! Tommy heard it and just rolled his eyes and snickered. He was about to go downstairs when wibur started to say something.
"You know Tubbo, Tommy is a little selfish bastard and always has been. You really don't need to stick around him."
All tipsy the adults laughed at the not at all funny thing Wilbur said. Techno adds to the convo,
"He's just a little attention hog." that's kinda true,
"He never does anything for other people's good." which just isn't true.
"I guess your right. Tommy is a jerk!" Tubbo added in.
This genuinely hurt Tommy's feelings. He expects it from Wilbur, and kinda techno, but his own father not even sticking up for him? His own father just laughing along with them? And for his best friend, who he does bully, but he does it out of love, to agree to what his older brothers are saying?
"He's just a little psychopath! No wonder he only has three friends! If i wasn't his brother I wouldn't even try and get near the little demon." Wilbur states.
Little mumbles of yes, and agreeing noises from the table can be heard. They start to say quite rude and cruel things and really bias stories about Tommy.

Tommy knows he's annoying and a bit much, but he thought he made it known that under everything he cared and loved them all so very much.
I guess they just don't like him.
His dad, brothers who he really looks up too, and his best friend all just agreed on how much he was a burden, and how they didn't like him. This wasn't the first time they have all said things like that, so it really hurt him, but tonight just really hurt.

Tommy's pov:
I just went into my room. I wasn't hungry anymore, and I didn't wanna say hello to them. Am I really that unbearable?
I'm sorry, I should just leave.

I looked around my room for a pen and paper, and wrote a note.
"i'm sorry for being such a shit brother and friend, i didn't know i made your lives horrible. i'll leave you guys alone.
I  didn't even realize I was crying.  I put the note on my  bed. Maybe Tubbo will find it.
I grabbed my money, my mp3 player, some extra clothes, and the cow that Nikki knit me and threw it into my bag.
I open the window and climb out it, climbing down the tree and onto the ground.
After that I look at the house, sigh and just walk.

narrator pov:
Tubbo didn't really wanna talk for much longer so he say his goodnights to them and head up to his and Tommy's room.
He didn't wanna wake Tommy up so tubbo didn't turn on a light. Tubbo changed into pjs in the dark.
He walked over to his bed and basically flopped over.
Tubbo knew that Tommy wasn't there for the conversation, but he still felt bad for what he said about him. Tommy was a good friend, even if he was a jerk sometimes.
He thought he knew Tommy was asleep but just really couldn't see, and said even though Tommy wouldn't hear him
"Goodnight Tommy I love you"
Which he hadn't said in a while but he felt better once he said it to his brother.
Tubbo drifted off to sleep thinking nothing of the night.

The next morning

Tubbo woke up after a while of not wanting to because of the smell of bacon.
He got up out of bed and saw Tommy was awake because he wasn't there.
Tubbo walked downstairs and sat at the Table Only Phil was in the kitchen for now.
"Good mornin"
"Morning Phil!"
"How did you sleep"
"Pretty good! you?"
Just casual morning talk! Phil and Tubbo sat down and enjoyed their breakfast, then wilbur came down soon followed by techno.
"Good morning Phil"
"Mornin Phil"
"Alright we got three out of four kids, Tubbo go wake Tommy because I woke up early to make these hangover waffles and I don't want them going to waste."
"Oh wait yeah Tommy wasn't in his bed? I thought he was down here but I guess not?"
"look in the office he goes in there when he can't sleep." Techno added while stuffing his face
"alright! TOMMY!" he yelled as he ran upstairs to the office.
Expecting to see Tommy on the small couch Tubbo just kinda stood there puzzled.
"No! he's not in here!" Tubbo yelled
The only other place he could be is the attic and to get up there is very loud, so that's a no.
Tubbo went back into their room looking to see if somehow he just didn't see Tommy in his bed.
Instead he found a note.
Tubbo ran downstairs and handed phil the note.
"Oh shit."
Phil got up and searched all around the house, then outside. Tommy was gone.

Tommys narrator:

Tommy had been walking all night. He walked a lot around the park with Tubbo and Ranboo and Jack all the time so it wasn't a bother for him.
He walked. He thought of all the times that he was too rude and just beat himself up for it.
Tommy was adopted by phil when he was 8, and his last parents really just didn't want him. They would drink all night and tell him how much they regret having him, how much they wish he were dead, so for the people that he loved to say these things it must be true.

Tommy must have walked for 10 miles at least, I mean, that's what it felt like. The sun was risen, and he stopped for a break, and picked some apples for food.
They didn't even notice he was gone. I guess it was for the greater good that he was gone, the question was where was he going?

it was borning to write so it must have been boring to read
y'all i think I have good ideas, then i try and write them and it just turns out bad 🤚🏻
I need ideasss HAHA

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