I guess we were never really a family, were we?

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Superhero names & powers
Tommy: Red chaos | Powers: lighting, and can feel the vibrations of people around him

Wilbur: phantom | Powers: can go invisible He can also mimic any sound, or person.

Philza: Angel of death (or crow father) | Wings, super strength and healing

Techno: The blade. | Super strength, can predict his enemies moves by the voices, enhanced flighting skills

ranboo: ender | teleportation

tubbo: bee | enhanced intelligence (weapons guy)

the villains:
the d team

Dream: XD | mind control

George: Notfound | can put a person to sleep for 60 seconds, can turn invisible

Sapnap: Flame | fire, more fire.

(based off of 'Hush Now (You Were Lost but Now You're Found)'
by CorpseArt, on AO3)!


The great Tommy innit has been fighting crime since he came out of the womb. Between life itself and actual bad guys, that's all that he can remember. His earliest memories, are with a man in a green hoodie. A man who was very mean and cruel, and had a lot of rules, he didn't really like thinking about that time. When he was about eight years old he finally got out, he finally ran away. After that he was put into foster care until about 12 years old when he decided that he was too 'big of a man' for it.

That's when his life truly began. He and two other runaways somehow managed enough money to buy a shitty apartment, with one bedroom one bath. But for them it was enough. It was better than a life of fear by their foster parents, Being belittled because they were born with a power. All they ever needed was each other.

Tommy first met his first roommate tubbo, in the beginning part of fostering. Tommy and Tubbo were foster brothers together put in the same group home. They were soon kicked out of that group home and ever since they've been the closest things to brothers. Then a year later they met Ranboo. The three never wanted to go anywhere without each other and always ended up back to one another one way or another. So if homes weren't gonna work out, they would always have a home in each other. so they put that metaphorical into a literal sense and became roommates!

That's what they picked up being vigilantes. They were completely against being called heroes however. Heroes killed Tommy's parents, and did his friends so wrong. He was never EVER was going to call himself a hero. Sadly for the trio, being a vigilante was illegal.
Some formal shit about how because they didn't have a licenses and the city would have to pay for the damages, and also it's " dangerous to have people running around with reckless superpowers". but rules never stopped tommy in his life so what's the difference now?

For two whole years they were vigilantes. And for being prepubescent boys barely living off of a few sad little paychecks, they did a pretty damn good job.

When he was 14 he was the most well-known vigilante in the entire area. They had a perfect well thought through a plan. Tommy would go in and fight the crime, Ranboo would be the back up any get away teleporter, and Tubbo with supply the weapons, tech, and more.

They were the unstoppable team. Until they were stopped.

They picked the wrong robbery to stop and ever since then his life went so far downhill. He thought it was a petty robbery with supplies from a local science lab. He ended up stopping it but the people who he stopped, we are known as the D team. Soon to be known as the most dangerous group of villains.

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