sick man

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I don't really read wattpad anymore however I do read a03 and I found a lot of good types of fic like this. it is also spring time and I am dying of allergies, and what I mean dying i MEAN dying. So I thought it would be fitting if I were to write a sickfic!
I never really like them but I don't know man ever since I read one it was like a spiral and I got addicted so

this one is non-canonical to the dream SMP lore, and instead is the sleepy boy Inc. AU
(they all live w phil and are happy and phil is a good father bc i need that in my life)
tommy (t): 15
wilbur(w): 18
techno (Tb): 18
phil (p): still old and brill, maybe on the verge of death /j
ranboo (r) (16)
tubbo (15)


tommy does not like school. He didn't mind the social aspect of it just the sitting in a chair all day and learning about stupid things, he didn't like. so sick days we're very important to Tommy.
you would think that every time he was sick he would try to stay home, and it was true, sorta. when he had a little sniffle or a sore throat or something of the sort  but never when he's actually sick.
He doesn't want other people to worry about him. And he doesn't want to. bother other peoples lives, so he becomes very stubborn to that. Never admitting that he is sick.

And on that fatal thursday morning, he was sick. He knew from the second that he woke up something was up because his head felt stuffed, his body felt sore, and he just overall felt like a flaming piece of shit.
He changed, popped an advil and slowly made his way to the kitchen, not eating anything since the thought of it makes him nauseous.

so what he did until his brothers were ready to drive him was just stand there uncomfortably. he didn't wanna sit on the couch because he didn't know if he was going to be able to get back up, also everything that touched him felt like pins and needles.

So he stood, he just stared straight forward I am headed heavy breathing just waiting for his brother to come down the stairs and go to the car.

his goal is to make it to the weekend, the. once he is there he'll be home free and he could just stay in his room and wait it out.

sadly his plan was foiled as soon as his father walked out the stairs.

"Mate, you look like shit."

"Well good fucking morning to you too phil."

"No I mean it. Did you sleep well last night? Do you feel okay?"

Oh God this is what he was afraid of. The annoying questions.

"I slept fine phil! I just have a stuffy nose that's all"

"mate i don't-"

he was cut off by two boys sprinting down the stairs.


tb: "bye phil. tommy lets go"

t: "yeah uh bye phil!"

tommy took that chance to book it outside with his brothers.
okay he made it thru phil.

Wilbur and techno will be easy to get by because Will is always in his own head, thinking about his stuff, and techno has his nose in a book on on his phone.

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