my little brother again pt 2

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heyo my friends!

here is part two of this story since y'all really liked it :)! I got a few DMs asking if they could potentially use this story promt, and i'm gonna be honest it's not mine, so go for it. Even if it has the same events as mine, go for it!

Btw in the dream smp it's like a tv show, so there are background characters (so people who live there, go on search parties, tend group gatherings etc)

I don't have much else to say here so just enjoy!


It was about 3:30 in the morning, and the thunder storm wouldn't stop. Booms of thunder rang thru out 7 year old Tommy's room. He didn't want to go to Phil because he was a Big Man, and he didn't need anyone.... right?


Dont be afraid Tommy, big men aren't afraid of thunderstorms.


Okay maybe they are just a little.

He heard the door open.

"Tommy? Are you okay?


Wilbur went over and sat on the bed. Little tommy slowly pulled the blanket from over his head to look at his older brother.

"You normally come to my room doing thunderstorms and you didn't, and I was worried."

"I'm- I'm not scared."

"Sure your not. You are a 'big man' "

Another jolt of thunder shakes the room. Tommy basically throws himself under Wilburs arms for protection.

"It's alright big man, everyone is afraid of something."

Tommy was basically shaking and on the verge of tears. Wilbur clearly noticed this.

"I've wrote another song today. Do you wanna hear it?"

without any hesitation

"Yes please"

Wilbur scooted against the wall, and had Tommy snuggled up against his chest being protected by his arms.

He started to sing the song he created to Tommy. He even forgot some of the lyrics at some point but just hummed thru them.

Now in the protecting of his older brother, the thunder is no longer a threat. He quickly fell asleep in his brothers arms.

Tommy is now drugged, sleeping in his brothers arms, being projected by the very thing he is afraid of.

"Let's see go see dad Technoblade."

Wilbur singled for him to pick up the sleeping 'kid' in his arm, Will wouldn't be able to carry him out of the revine. Techno picked him up bridle style.

Tommy was very light, which was kinda scary, but that is going to change. They are heading back to Phil's. Techno isn't really thrilled with the idea of drugging his younger sibling however when Tommy tucked his face into his chest, he couldn't help but feel all warm insides

They took what very little things they would need, and went up to grab the horses, and said farewell to the dream smp.


It felt like he had been hit by a train. His entire body was shaking, and achy. His head was spinning and he couldn't even remember what day it was.
Tommy slowly opened his eyes to a spoon gently touching his lips. Without even thinking he opened his mouth and ate whatever he was fed by whoever fed him.
After that he could feel the comfort of everything around him. The blanket, the smell, the pillow, wait when did he get a bed again? Everything just felt so familiar. It's a problem for another time, the boy just couldn't stay awake anymore.

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