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alrighty this is an au where it the first l'manburg war, this is before the main battle and after eret betrying them (but instead of killing them it was just blowing up their stuff, and slightly harming them w explosives)
Y'all this is gonna be a hella long one so brace yo selfs lol
no fan art for this one!

update! i reread this and damn it's really bad and doesn't make sense lol
i made this at 2 or 3 in the morning and u can tell 😀🤚🏻
It was the afternoon, and Tommy and Tubbo was in the watch tower talking. Talking about the hurt and pain that they feel from Eret. How they wish the war was over, and that they could live normal lives.
"Do you ever think we can go back to normal after this Tommy?" Tubbo asked
His friend paused.
"I don't know Tubbo, but what I do know is that you and I will always be side by side. Right?"
Tubbo smiled
They were up there for hours. They had a few snacks to keep them going. They were supposed to be watching around to see if they could see anything suspicious, but really just went up to goof off and be semi normal teenagers.
The conversation kinda died out after being up there for so long, but it was nice just being able to watch the sun set.
Tubbo drifted off and Tommy just looked over the SMP.
He thought, what if he just stayed with phil? What if he didn't go with Wilbur far away?
What if he could have kept his cool with dream?
What if..?
Tommy sighed. He looked over at Tubbo sleeping peacefully. He figured it was time to go meaning that the sun was fully gone. He took one last look over the SMP and walked over to Tubbo.
Tommy gently shook the smaller boy and said it was time to go. Tubbo took his sweet time to get up but was really woken up when he heard distant explosions.
They ran over to the other side of the watch tower and looked to see where it was coming from.
About 300 feet out, they could see Dream george and... Eret.
It was a small explosion, nothing that they couldn't fix, but enough to get Tommy's and Tubbo attention.
Tubbo and Tommy quickly run down the watch tower and make their way over to Dream.
They look at Eret with such hatred. Eret couldn't even make Eye contact with his past allies.
"Dream lets just get this over with. What do you want now?" Tommy asked quite rudely.

"What no hello? How are you doing Dream? Not polite of you Tommy."
Tommy gave Dream a death stare.
"Fine. I don't really need anything from you as of now. I have the upper hand, thank you Eret." Eret looked embarrassed.
"You guys don't have anything anymore yet you still fight me. You guys cannot win, but you still try."
"Dream cut the bullshit please." Tubbo says annoyed.
"Okay okay. The one thing I have noticed is that, all of you are still here. So there is one card I haven't pulled..."
Sapnap comes out of nowhere from behind tubbo and puts a knife to his throat. Tubbo had a flare in his pocket, in case of emergencies. Tried to move but Sapnap just pressed the knife against his throat harder, breaking the skin.
"I want you to choose Tommy. Your life or Tubbos?" Dream says
Tubbo knew Tommy would pick Tubbos life without even thinking, hell he would do the same for Tommy.
"Tommy pick me. You are the vice president and without you we cannot win. If i die it won't matter." Tubbo pleeds, knowing that nothing he says will change Tommy's mind

"Dream you are one sick bastard you know that?" He chuckled. "Tubbo I want you to know that you have been the best mate I could have asked for." He sighs. "Just kill me and let tubbo go."

"please don't. he is my best friend. We will give you the disks. Please." Cries Tubbo

"Tommy I would love to have the honor of doing it but I will have to ask Eret to do it for me."
Everyone's face drops, especially Eret.

"Dream please." Eret pleaded.

"You want to prove that you are on my side? Kill him. Or I kill both of them." Dream states.

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