Seventh Year part 1

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"Come on Yura, it's not funny anymore. You have to get up or else you'll miss the Hogwarts Express" Otabek said, as he tried to pull the boy out of bed. He lost count of how many times he had told Yuri to get up already. In the end, he always seemed to receive the very same reply.

"No" Yuri groaned, pulling the blanket over him again, "I' don't want to go to school. Staying here sounds better."

"It's your last year. I know you hate to get up in the mornings, but it's not even that early. One more year, Yura. You can do it" the older tried to persuade him.

Yuri finally stopped pulling the blanket back on him, letting Otabek rip it away from him completely. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment before Otabek asked him to get up once again. He looked so serious that Yuri knew he wasn't joking anymore.

"Beka listen, I know it sounds stupid but I feel like something bad will happen if I go to school. I can't explain why, but I just have this feeling" the blond tried to explain. Otabek didn't seem to believe him, for he had no prove other than a feeling. He said it's probably his fear of being separated for a long period of time. Although Yuri thought it was something different he agreed. After all it was a logical explanation. He really didn't want to be separated from his boyfriend.

In the end the Kazakh got him to leave the bed, wash up, dress, and helped him carry his luggage to King's Cross station. They were almost late. The Hogwarts Express was already there and a majority of the students were already inside.

"Yura" Otabek pulled Yuri back into a hug, just as the blond was about to enter the train, "About this morning, if you notice anything you consider as strange, tell me. Promise to write me. You know I will always be there. No matter what happens, you can always rely on me."

"I know and I will. Also, I'm sure you were right. I just don't want to leave you for almost half a year" Yuri smiled, giving Otabek a quick kiss before getting on the train. His behaviour was completely different from this morning. There was no trace left of that feeling he had. Yuri admitted to himself that his brain made up the feeling, that Otabek had been right. He didn't doubt it anymore because it made perfect sense. After all, he would prefer to stay with his boyfriend whom he hadn't seen in a long time. Only a week wasn't enough. Instead, he had to go to school where there was no Otabek.

It was his last year. One more year and he wouldn't have to be separated from Otabek ever again. Besides, there were good sides to school, too. Yuri was looking forward to see Minami again, who had sent him countless letters over the summer. Now that he thought about it, Minami stopped sending letter about two weeks ago. Strange, but then again, Yuri had rarely replied to any of them. Maybe Minmi lost his patience with Yuri or had nothing new to tell him.

The train was as full as always. Yuri had to fight his way through to find Minami. He searched every cabin, but Minami was nowhere to be found. Yuri was just about to give up when saw Minami getting on the train, moments before it departed.

He didn't resemble his usual self at all. Minami had huge, dark eye bags, he walked with his head down, and his bubbly and happy charisma seemed to have never existed.

"Minami, what happened?" Yuri asked deeply concerned. Seeing his friend like this was a first to him.

"Nothing" the other stated, leaving Yuri behind.

"Hey, wait" Yuri followed him into one cabin, which was by some miracle still empty. He watched Minami sitting down in one of the corners, leaning his head against the cold window.

Yuri slid the door close, sitting down opposite from him. For a while he said nothing, just watched his friend. "When I was feeling bad last year you told me talking about the problem helps. You always listened to me whenever I felt down. I want to do the same for you. Please talk to me" Yuri almost begged him.

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