Fifth Year part 2

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Even though they weren't in Hogwarts anymore some things stayed the same. Some got even better. Yuri took care of Agape daily and also had to study alongside the other students like in Hogwarts. He had a bit more freetime which meant he could spent more time with Otabek which was the part that got better.

Two weeks passed and it was finally time to announce the three students that would participate in the Triwizard Tournament.

Chris organized almost the whole event so he had the honor to announced the three. Yuri was sitting on Otabek's lap and both were patiently waiting for Chris to finally start announcing the participants.

A piece of paper flew out of the fire goblet after its flame got wilder and Chris cought it. He looked at it and loudly said "The first participant is Aubrey Bonnet."

The girl who was apparently Audrey came to the front and the girls who were sitting around her all cheered. She was blond and had long eyelashes. You could say she was very pretty and also seemed to be popular. Apparently she was from Beauxbaton.

They waited for at least a minute until the next name came out. Chris caught it again and read out the name "From Durmstrang we have Maxim Morosov."

A very tall and dark haired boy came to the front. He looked kind of gloomy and definitely not as friendly and happy about being chosen as Audrey.

Now the only school left was Hogwarts. It took longer than before and after a while the students started whispering. Five minutes passed and nothing happened. Otabek started getting nervous which Yuri noticed because he pulled him closer and hugged him very tight. It was hard to breath for Yuri but he didn't resist. He put his hand onto Otabek's to show him that it was okay and that he was not alone. Otabek calmed down immediately and gave Yuri more space. Finally the fire goblet started burning wildly again and a small piece of paper came out. After catching it Chris read the name on it "For Hogwarts we have Otabek Altin."

Yuri and Otabek both stood up and before going to the front Otabek hugged Yuri. The other students from Hogwarts cheered him on.

When all of the participants were standing at the front Chris started speaking "Those three will be challenged in very hard and dangerous tasks in order to winn the fire goblet for their school. Please support the student from your school. The first task will be in a month. Now enjoy the dinner in honor of our brave participants who will fight for glory and honor. Let's hope that they will make it out alive." He said the last part jokingly.

It still made some of the students worry but it was forgotten fast because of the celebration that Beauxbaton threw for the three of them.

After that Yuri and Otabek sat in Yuri's room together. They were alone because Minami was talking to some students of the other schools while Ash and Eiji were nowhere to be found.

Otabek was leaning onto a wall and Yuri was sitting between his legs and rested his head on Otabek's chest. Otabek had his arms around Yuri and they enjoyed the others warmth.

"Beka?" Yuri whispered with his eyes closed.

"Hmm? what is it?" Otabek asked and started playing with Yuri's hair.

"Now that you are really chosen, are you still sure you want this? What if something happens to you? I'm not sure if I could live on without you" Yuri said and pressed his head against Otabek's chest.

"Don't worry nothing will happen to me and even though I think it's kind of cute that you like me that much, I dont want you to ever say something like that again. Even if something will happen to me you have to keep going. I want you to be happy" Otabek stated and hugged the smaller boy in front of him.

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