Summer holidays 2

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Yuuri and Victor tried to comfort Yuri on the way home after the police let them go. Yuri fell asleep in the car and Victor had to carry him home.

After bringing Yuri up, Victor and Yuuri sat down in the living room to talk. "We need to contact Otabek's parents and what do we do about Yuri?" Yuuri asked lifeless.

"I don't know but I can contact his parents and maybe one of us should stay around Yuri" Victor replied and stood up to get his phone.

The next day they drove to the hospital with Yuri who didn't say a word since the day before. He also didn't want to eat breakfast.

When they got to Otabek's room a doctor was there. "How bad is it?" Victor asked.

"Who are you to the patient? Only family is allowed to visit right now" the doctor said. Before Victor could answer, Otabek's parents came in to the room and said "We are his parents and they are part of our family. "

Victor gave them a small smile and then looked at the docter who had the full attention now "His left leg and left arm are broken and he has three broken ribs. The boy also lost about one litre blood but all in one it could've been worse. He is in a coma now but there is a high possibility that he will wake up again. His body will heal completely and there won't be any traces of the accident left. He also hit his head so that could have done damage. We can't know if it made damage or how bad it is until he wakes up. I'll leave you alone now."

The doctor left and it was silent. Nobody moved or said anything for minutes. Then Yuri turned to Otabek's parent and started crying "I'm so s-sorry. It was a-all my fault. I-If I hadn't-"

"No Yuri stop. You did nothing wrong" Otabek's mom said and hugged him. Both were crying. Victor, Yuuri and Otabek's parents left after about an hour. Now only Yuri was left in the white hospital room.

Yuri made it into a new routine to visit Otabek daily and spent his whole day there. He ate less, slept less and talked less to spent as much time as possible by Otabek's side.

Yuuri and Victor tried to talk to Yuri but the boy only nodded if he listened at all. He felt guilty and Victor and Yuuri knew it. One evening when they tried to talk to Yuri he finally opened up. Yuri told them about his feelings and sadly Victor's and Yuuri's fears came true. They were afraid that Yuri would think that all of this was his fault and hate himself for it and that was exactly what Yuri felt and thought. "If I hadn't walked so close to the road all of this wouldn't have happened. Otabek got hurt instead of me. All of this is so wrong. I should have been the one getting hit by that damned car. All I do is making Otabek suffer" was all he said before running off to his room and not coming out until the next morning.

Yuuri and Victor tried to tell him that it was an accident and none of this was his fault but it was useless. Yuri started avoiding them and the only one he talked to was Otabek. He couldn't hear him though but it didn't matter to Yuri.

Some weeks passed and the nurses started to know him. They were always nice to him and after some time Yuri started talking to them. They were the only ones beside Otabek that he talked to. There were two nurses who were taking care of Otabek. One was a tall brown haired girl named Britney and the other was a blond girl with blue hair strands called Lucia.

"Hey Yuri" Lucia said when she came in to do her daily check up routine on Otabek.

She was done after about five minutes and wanted to leave but Yuri stopped her "Hey Lucia I want to ask you someting."

"What is it Yuri?" she asked with a kind smile.

"Will he wake up?" the boy asked quietly.

"I'm sure he will" she said in a serious voice. Lucia gave Yuri a sad smile and left him alone with Otabek.

The days passed and nothing changed. At the end of the holidays when Otabek's parents visited the hospital they met the doctor again and he told them about Otabek's condition. "He has no injuries which is a wonder if you think about it. His bones and wounds healed faster than I have ever seen it. We don't know why he is not waking up but we are sure that he will wake up. Please be patient. He could wake up tomorrow, in a year or maybe in ten. We really can't tell when" the doctor said and left.

"Muggles are so useless. Of course he has no wounds. We took care of his healing with spells but why is he not waking up? He should be fine by now" Otabek's mom complained.

"Is there really nothing we can do?" Yuri asked sad.

"No, I and my husband have looked through all books about healing spells and potions we could find but there was nothing useful. That one day where we asked you to stay home, we asked a doctor from the Ministry of magic to come here but he also said that he could have done nothing but heal his wounds which we already did" the woman explained.

"I never asked this before but does Ela know?" Yuri asked shyly. He knew that Otabek and his sister had a good relationship.

"No, we told her that Otabek had to leave for a while. We couldn't tell her. She loves Otabek so much and telling her would make her worried. She will go to Hogwarts starting this year and if we tell her now, Ela will probably ask us to let her stay home" Otabek's mom explained.

They talked for a while until they both had to go home. Nothing changed and  Yuri spent the rest of the holidays at the hospital. He had to go to school the next day which meant that his time with Otabek was ending soon.

"I really hoped that you would wake up before I would have to go to school. I'm so sorry that I'll have to leave you alone. It should've been me lying there instead of you" Yuri cried. He kissed Otabek on the forehead and left. Yuri was crying on the way home and stopped himself when he stood infront of the door. If he went in like this his parents would worry about him and that was not what he wanted.

Back at home Yuuri and Victor were already waiting for him. They sat at the table with cups of tea. "Yuri come here and sit down" Victor said.

"What do you want?" Yuri asked. He sat down opposite from his parents and looked at them annoyed.

"How are you feeling? You'll have to leave tomorrow. If you feel like it's too much you can always tell us and we'll take you home but you should at least try to stay at school" the ebony haired man explained with a sad smile.

"I'll go back to Hogwarts. It's fine because that is what Otabek would want me to do" the blond answered.

"If he wakes up or his condition changes, we will let you know. Promise us to sleep more and stay healthy. Please eat three times a day even if you don't fell like it" Victor said and took a sip of his tea.

"Can I go now?" Yuri asked and his parents nodded. He went to his room and tried to fall asleep. In the end he stayed up the whole night and thought about various things. Most of them were related to Otabek and their future. The thought that worried Yuri the most and kept him up all night was 'What if Otabek won't wake up?'

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