Fourth Year part 4

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Yuri woke up the next day and hurriedly got ready to go to Hagrid. It was almost 10a.m. and he didn't want to be too late. So he decided to run there and luckily arrived punctual. Besides him there were three other boys, two girls and Hagrid. "Now that everyone is here I'll start to explain this project's purpose. You six are my most reliable students when it comes to taking care of beasts. Because of that you'll get the once in a lifetime chance to take care of some dangerous ones during school. Before I explain what the project is for, you should get to know each other" Hagrid said and waited for someone to introduce themself.

"I'm Sara and I am a sixth year Ravenclaw" a girl with tanned skin and dark hair introduced herself.

Next the other girl with red hair started to speak "My name is Mila and I am fifth year Gryffindor".

"I'm Minami and I'm  in year three. My house is Hufflepuff" a boy with blond hair and a red strand in it said.

After Minami a blond guy introduced himself "My name is Arslan but please call me Ash. I am in seventh year and my house is Slytherin".

"I am Eiji and I am also in seventh year. My house is Ravenclaw" a Japanese looking boy said.

Yuri was the only one left so he told the others his name, year and house which was quite obvious because everyone was wearing a tie with their house colour.

"I hope you get along well. As you may or may not know many years before we had a Triwizard Tournament. Harry Potter took part in the last one and it was forbidden after one student was killed from you know who. The three schools who fought for the Goblet of Fire decided to  host the tournament once again. For that they need several things. We will take care of the dragons and you are not allowed to talk about it outside of this project. It is a secret. The Tournament will be hosted next year in Beauxbaton. Only students from seventh grade can participate. Remember not to talk about it" Hagrid explained and looked at the students who nodded.

He then continued "I'll show you the dragons. We have three dragons so you will take care of them in groups of two. Before that I will teach you how to do that so that you wont get hurt". They all walked into the forest. After about twenty minutes they reached three big cages with small dragons in it. Hagrid stopped by the first one and asked "Does anyone know what this dragon is called?".

"This is an Antipodean Opaleye" Ash answered.

"Yes that's right does anyone know more about it?" the gigantic man questioned.

"Yes it is considered as the most beautiful dragon. They are originally from New Zealand but migrated to Australia. I think their average length is 40ft and it's flame is vivid red" Eiji said.

"Are you two interested in all dragons or especially in this one?" Hagrid wanted to know.

"I like dragons in general but this one is my favourite. It is so beautiful yet so dangerous" the blond boy replied and Eiji nodded as a sign that he thinks the same.

"Do you want to take care of it together?" Hagrid asked and both nodded.

"Good you will be my first group.  Since you are the oldest students you can stay longer and I will explain you more so that you can start as soon as possible" Hagrid said.

They walked over to the next cage and Hagrid asked "So who knows something about this one?".

"This one is a Chinese Fireball. As it's name says it is originally from China. It is also called the Liondragon" Sara said.

"It can get a length of 25ft and it shoots rounded balls of fire from it's  nostrils" Mila added.

"Well done. Will you two take care of this one?" Hagrid asked and both girls nodded. "We will meet tomorrow morning. Come here as early as you want" he added and they all walked to the last cage.

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