Seventh Year part 3

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Yuri had been in Hogwarts for a few days already and hadn't seen Minami even once yet. He wasn't on the train back and also didn't seem to be in the dining hall during meals. It was concerning.

"Hey Yuri" Jax called after slamming the door to their room open, "We are thinking about going to Hogsmeade to get some fireworks for New Year's Eve. You know, the small ones that you can use inside buildings. Do you want to join us?"

"Sure" Yuri replied, putting down Zachary's notebook. He borrowed it to get a deeper understanding of their potion unit. Not only were his notes perfectly organized, but he also had way more background and additional information in his notebook than there was in any of the school books.

"Get your things then. We're leaving in about ten minutes" Jax said before leaving as fast as he came.

Yuri grabbed his money and dressed in winter clothes. Potya meowed confused when Yuri left the room, closing the door behind him so that the cat wouldn't follow him out. He wasn't in the mood to search for Potya later on. Besides, it was fine to leave him alone. Potya had food, water, toys, and a litter box inside the room. The cat was also used to being left alone for a while.

Yuri spotted his roommates in the community room. They were talking about something he couldn't hear yet. As he came closer, he caught parts of their conversation.

"No, I didn't. You made this up Darius" Zachary said, pushing Darius shoulder lightly. His face was slightly flushed while Darius grinned.

"I swear I saw you do it. Plus, how else would you explain the ingredients?" Darius replied with an amused expression. Yuri joined them, saying nothing, only watching them.

"I believe Dari" Hayden laughed. His cousin nodded in agreement.

"What is this about?" Yuri asked, curiosity taking over his desire to stay out of his roommates business.

"Apparently a girl confessed to Zachy and coincidentally, it was the girl he had a huge crush on since fifth year. We believe he used a love potion" Hayden explained smirking, "Dari also found some of the ingredients for a love potion in our room. We all know that Zachy has the ability to brew a something like that, too."

"You can get in a lot of trouble for using a love potion" Yuri commented as he remembered some of the potion rules Minami told him about. Although love potions were legal and you could even buy them in some stores outside of school the rules for them in Hogwarts were different. To put it simple; they were banned.

"See, this is all the more reason for me not to use one. I don't want to get in trouble" Zachary replied nervous.

"Let's just go. This is getting boring" Jax said, ending the others' conversation. Everyone nodded in agreement. Zachary was especially grateful that this was over.

It was cold outside. Snow covered the ground. While Yuri's roommates talked about various topics on their way there, he mostly listened to their conversations.

As soon as they arrived in Hogsmeade they went to the Three Broomstick Inn to drink some hot butter beer to warm themselves up.

Next, they went to the candy shop to buy some snacks for New Year's Eve. Lastly, they visited the joke store for the fireworks as originally planned. They didn't spend much time in Hogsmeade and soon returned to Hogwarts. It was too cold to stay out for long anyway.

As soon as they entered the community room someone called Yuri's name. It was an overly excited Yuuko, holding a letter in her hand. The other guys stared at her confused as she pulled Yuri away from them, staring to rant about something in Japanese, "Look at this. Do you know what this is? It is a love letter."

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