Fifth Year part 3

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Yuri had to leave Otabek to get Agape ready for the quest, which would start in an hour. Audrey was first and she got the Swedish Short-Snout which meant Agape was first too.

The task was rather simple. The dragon would be in a cave with a small box which the participant had to get out of the cave and the arena in front of the cave. There was also a time limit of one hour.

Minami and Yuri explained Agape that the box was extremely important and he had to protect it at all costs. For Agape all of this was just a game and he happily played along. Hagrid tried to steal the box to get sure that Agape understood his task. He wouldn't protect it from Yuri or Minami so it was only logical that someone else had to do it. Agape attacked Hagrid and didn't let him get near to the box. After twenty minutes of trying to get the box Hagrid gave up and Minami and Yuri calmed Agape down.

It was finally time to bring Agape to the quest's location. It was a gigantic cave. To get to Agape and the box you'd have to walk twenty minutes. Which meant that if you were slow you'd only have about twenty minutes to face the dragon and get the box. That was if you used the way through the arena though. Yuri and Minami used the back tunnels to get in. They were closed after that so that Agape could only come out the other way.

Agape, the box and Yuri stayed in the cave while Minami got out. Of course Yuri was hidden and would only interfere if Audrey's life was in danger.

In front of the cave was an arena and the task would be done when the participant left the arena with the box. Minami waited there for Audrey, Agape and Yuri to get out. Yuri would come out last so there had to be someone in the arena all the time.

As soon as Audrey stepped into the arena a loud alarm started for about ten seconds. Thanks to that Yuri knew that it had started and Agape who already heard the alarm when Hagrid played the 'box game' with him started getting wilder and more aggressive.

About fifteen minutes after the alarm, Audrey came to the wide space in the cave where the box was. She saw it and hurried towards it. But before she could reach it Agape spit fire between them and separated him and the box from her.

He continued attacking her and she hid behind a rock to protect herself from Agape.

"Damn dragon just give me the box" she yelled. That was a big mistake because now Agape knew where she was. She also triggered him with that because Agape hated loud sounds.

He jumped in her direction "Alarte Ascendare" she yelled with her wand pointed towars the big dragon. Agape flew into the air in an instant and his head hit the ceiling.

He stopped moving and lie there for a while. Meanwhile Audrey grabbed the box and started running towards the exit.

As soon as she ran into one of the tunnels Yuri jumped down to Agape "Hey Agape are you okay?"

Agape whined and Yuri petted his head. Fife minutes later Agape stood up and Yuri ordered him to follow her. The dragon was faster than him so that he had to walk out of the cave alone.

When he came out Minami holded Agape on a leash while patting him. The Beauxbaton students all cheared and Audrey was holding the box in her hands.

Yuri walked to Minami and Agape "So she made it out of the arena?"

"Agape came out of the cave a minute after her but that was enough time for her to hide behind the rocks and slowly get out while confusing him with little stones she threw in different directions" Minami explained.

"Smart" Yuri said and also patted Agape "Oh and he hit his head in the cave we should treat the wound."

They brought Agape away and treated his wound. After that they gave him treats and praised him.

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