First Year part 5

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After Victor told Yuri the story of how he found him Yuri calmed down. He got better with Victor's and Otabek's help and after a while his life came back to normal. Yuri wanted to cut all ties with his "real" family and decided to change his name to Yuri Nikiforov which made him feel a lot better. The time passed and the Christmas holidays were only a week away.

Leo, Guang Hong and Seung Gil were all planning to go home. JJ wanted to stay in Hogwarts because he thought his siblings were annoying and Otabek wanted to go home but couldn't since his family flew back to Kazakhstan over the holidays to visit his grandparents. Yuri suggested that he could come and stay with his family and both of their parents gave them their okay. All of the students were packing their things and the mood in Hogwarts was good. Everyone was looking forward to see their family again.

The days after flew by fast and it was time for him and Otabek to go home. They were in the  Hogwarts Express right now which arrived at Kings Cross Station.

They got out and the blond started talking"I just remembered that you've never met my other dad".

"Oh yeah is he nice?" the taller boy asked a bit worried.

"The pig sure is" Yuri ressured with a devilish smirk.

"The pig?" Otabek repeated confused. "Who calls their dad pig?" was what he thought.

"His nickname. He just looks like a pig"  the smaller boy stated and before he could say something else someone called his name. He turned around and saw Yuuri who was running towards him and his friend. Yuuri hugged him and his son started yelling "HEY PIG STOP! THAT IS EMBARRASSING".

His dad let go of him and giggled. Then he turned to Otabek and started introduced himself "Hi I'm Yuuri Yurios other dad and you must be Otabek right?".

"Yes nice to meet you sir" Otabek replied and bowed down politely.

"You don't have to be so formal. Let's go home it's cold here, isn't it" the ebony haired man said and lead them to the car. After about half an hour of driving they arrived at Yuris house and walked to the door. As soon as Yuuri opened it a happy looking Victor hugged him.

"Ewwww old geezer stop that. You had enough time to be like this when I was away" Yuri shouted disgusted.

"Why are you always so mean Yurio" Victor whined. He than walked to the kitchen and continued preparing the food. "I'll help Victor with the food and you two can unpack your things" Yuuri said to the boys. Both of them walked upstairs and the blond showed Otabek his room. They unpacked and talked a bit until they were called to dinner.

"Otabek nice to see you again. I hope you'll enjoy your time here and if there is anything you need ask me or Yuuri" Victor said with a kind smile as they sat down.

"Thanks Victor" Otabek answerd. He was pretty comfortable around Victor because they spend a lot of time during Yuri's recovery. They talked about a lot of thing until they were all done. Yuri and Otabek went back upstairs and talked more. They went to bed after it.
Victor and Yuuri woke them up for breakfast and after getting ready they went down stairs.

"So what do you two want to do the next two weeks" Victor asked.

"We don't know but I can show Otabek around why are you asking?" Yuri said annoyed.

"We both don't need to work for the next two weeks so we thought about some trips. We can go wherever you want" Yuuri answered.

"Oh let us think about that" Yuri replied.

During breakfast they decided to go to the Christmas market before Christmas and visit London after Christmas. Otabek has never really been in London before because his family lives outside from London. He has only been to places for witches and wizards like the angle alley or the station.

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