Last days home

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"Hey, are you listening?" Yuri asked rather loudly. The other boy still hadn't said a single word. He was staring at Yuri with no emotions showing on his face, which made Yuri even angrier than he already was. "Hey asshole, quit staring at me!" the blond boy yelled again, standing up from the cold pavement.

"Sorry, but you crashed into me. Therefore you should be the one to apologise. Instead, you ate yelling at me. Be more careful in the future and being a little friendlier wouldn't hurt you either." was the boy's reply.

Yuri's puzzled look gave away his confusion. This was certainly something new. People would usually react differently when he yelled at them. "Why the fuck should I be friendlier?" he asked distracted, looked around to find where to go. There was still nothing that could help him find the right way in the slightest. He sighted frustrated, turning to the right, but was stopped by the taller boy. "What now? Let me go you loser."

"You should seriously consider changing that attitude of yours. Do you need help finding a store or some other place? You look kind of lost." the dark haired boy offered his help. It was a tempting offer, but Yuri was too stubborn to accept the boy's help after crashing into him.

"Why do you care about someone whose name you don't even know? Mind your own business." Yuri rejected his help, walking off in a random direction.

"Okay, we can fix that. My name is Otabek Altin. What's your name?" Otabek asked, slightly grinning. He followed Yuri, who seemed to amuse him.

"Yuri." the blond replied quietly, after a while of intense eye contact. It seemed like Yuri had taken his time, mentally debating whether to tell Otabek his name or not.

"Yuri is a pretty name. You're lost, aren't you?" the other boy asked, receiving a nod as an answer. "What's the name of the place you're searching for?"

"The Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour." Yuri stated, hating that he needed the other's help to find his way back to Victor. Otabek nodded, walking to the left. The blond boy followed him silently. Otabek wasn't one to talk more than necessary. At least that was Yuri's impression of him.

When they reached the cafe Yuri saw his dad standing in front of it. A sigh of relieve left the boy's lips. He was right, his father used his brain for once. Victor, who hadn't spotted Yuri yet, was visibly losing his mind. The blond almost ran the last few meters to reach his father faster. As soon as Victor saw Yuri, he felt a wave of relief wash over him. This had been the first time he lost his son, even if it was only for a while. "Yurio!" he called, hugging the younger so tight that Yuri had difficulties to breathe. Once he noticed Yuri's struggle to free himself, he let go of him, asking, "Who is your new friend?"

"Who the fuck are you talking about?" Yuri asked annoyed. It was bad enough that he called him 'Yurio', but now he was asking him about some weird friends he didn't have.

"I'm talking about the boy who brought you here. He left about a minute ago. How did you forget all about him in a matter of seconds? Are you losing your memories?" Victor smirked.

"He was just some guy that helped me find the way, bot my friend. Stop assuming things." the blond replied, rolling his eyes.

Yuri's stomach growled, since he was still hungry. They ordered some ice cream and waffles at the cafe, ate it, and went home. To Yuri's surprise, the food tasted the same as muggle food.

Another week went by, making it Yuri's last day home. "Hey Yurio, since today is your last day home we can do whatever you want. We could go somewhere, if you want to that is." a smiling Yuuri suggested. They were all sitting in the living room with Potya and Makkachin sleeping on their laps.

"I want to stay home with you guys." Yuri replied, slightly embarrassed to admit that he wanted to spent his remaining time with his parents. He had never said such things before, and he wouldn't repeat it either, but for today he would make an exception. Knowing it was his last day before leaving for longer than he had ever been away from home, he realised how important his parents were to him.

"Awww how cute!" his dads awed at the same time, making Yuri blush even harder.

They spend the day doing everything together. They cooked, watched a movie, and chatted. Yuri was surprisingly behaving unusually well throughout the whole day.

When it was time to go to bed, Victor and Yuuri cane to Yuri's room. There they joined him on his bed. "This will be the last time you will sleep in this bed for a long time." Yuuri commented saddened by his son's upcoming departure to Hogwarts.

"But they will let me visit you two times a year, right? I'll be home on Christmas,  won't I?" Yuri asked quietly. It didn't feel real. He couldn't imagine leaving his house, parents, and life behind to become some kind of wizards. It was just way too unrealistic to be true. With every passing minute he felt more doubtful. What if he didn't like it there?

"Yes, but that means we won't see each other for half a year. We'll definitely write you letters though." Victor promised, eyeing his son. He bowed down to kiss him on the head, followed by Yuuri doing the same.

Both of his parents wished him a good night before leaving his room later that night. Yuri fell asleep not too long afterwards. It was by some miracle that he didn't stay up all night, thinking about the next day.

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