Sixth Year part 4

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The sun rose and the hospital room started to get brighter. Yuri could finally see his surroundings again. Now he only had to wait for Otabek to wake up, though he wouldn't mind if his boyfriend would stay asleep for a little longer. Actually being able to see him while he was sleeping made all of this even better. There was a big difference between sleeping Otabek and coma Otabek.

To Yuri's surprise it was the first time he thought of Otabek as cute. Normally he would think of him as hot or something like that but sleeping Otabek was definitely cute. He looked vulnerable like this. One more thing that Yuri noticed was that Otabek was drooling a little in his sleep and this was the main reason that made him cute.

Otabek groaned and hugged Yuri tighter. Then he opened his eyes and looked down to Yuri who was snuggled into his chest.

"You're awake, aren't you?" Otabek said in a deep morning voice and hugged Yuri even tighter.

"C-can't breathe" Yuri whispered and Otabek loosened his grip on him instantly.

"Your morning voice sounds funny" Yuri smiled while sitting up "I was awake for hours but I didn't want to wake you up. Finally being able to sit feels good."

"Sorry you should've woken me up though. Let's brush our teeth and change" Otabek said while hugging Yuri's waist.

"Okay but only if you brush my hair later" the blond replied.

"Will do" Otabek answered and then both of them got ready. After that they returned to the bed. Otabek sat on it while Yuri sat on a chair next to it. It was more comfortable for Otabek to brush Yuri's hair in that position.

"How do you feel?" Yuri asked relaxed. He loved getting his hair brushed by others even though he would never admit it. Otabek was an exception. He discovered it some years ago by accident when he helped Yuri with his hair.

"I'm good. The doctor said that he'll discharge me after my checkup today" the Kazakh smiled "i love your hair. It's so soft."

The blond blushed a bit. "That's great. Will you go home? I mean you could stay at out place until I have to go back to school and then go back to your home" Yuri suggested.

"I think my parents want me to go home but you could come with me" the other replied.

"I'll ask Victor later but he'll say yes for sure" the blond said. Otabek was done brushing Yuri's hair and put the hairbrush on the night table.

They ate breakfast and Yuri told him about everything Otabek had missed in the past year. At 1pm the doctor came for Otabek's final checkup. Luckily everythung was good and Otabek could leave.

They both called their parents and asked if Yuri could stay over at Otabek's until he had to go back to school. Of course they allowed it and Otabek's parents told them that they would pick them up at 3pm. Until then they packed everything together and got ready to leave.

Otabek's dad picked them up at 3pm as promised. Before driving to Otabek's place they stopped by at Yuri's to get some clothes and other necessary things. Then they drove to Otabek's place. His mom was at work and his dad left after dropping them off. He still had some work to do.

"Seems like we'll be alone for some time. What do you want to do?" Otabek asked.

"We could go to your gaming room and watch a movie or well you know we could do other things too since it's just the two of us here" Yuri said blushing.

Otabek grinned and walked closer to Yuri "What kind of other things?"

"Well you know what I mean" the blond muttered embarrassed.

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