Sixth Year part 3

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When Yuri woke up he felt happy for some reason. Maybe it was because it was the day after his birthday. It was 7A.M and he had to get ready for school since it was a Monday.

After finishing his morning routine he went down for breakfast. There he would meet Minami like every day. Then they would eat, receive their mails and go to their lessons. Or so he thought but today was different.

"Do you think you'll get any letters today? Your birthday was yesterday and you recieved letters from your friends and family then, so there is no need to write you more letters today right?" Minami asked bored. He was playing with his food and unlike Yuri he was in a rather bad mood.

"Probably not" Yuri replied "But you might get something, right?"

"Yeah" the younger answered coldly. He took a sip of his cocoa and made a displeased face.

"Are you sick or something? You're acting weird" Yuri noticed concerned.

"Huh?" Minami looked at Yuri with a surprised expression "Since when are you worrying about me?"

"I'm not, but you seem to be in a bad mood which is unusual for you" the blond replied annoyed. He did worry about Minami but he didn't want Minami to know that.

"It's because of the weather. I always get headaches on rainy days" Minami explained. Before Yuri could say something else the dining hall started to get filled with owls. It was too loud to talk so the boys waited for the birds to finish delivering the messages. One of them dropped off a letter for Yuri.

"That's so unfair. You got mails yesterday and today too" the Japanese boy complained.

"Are you jealous?" Yuri teased and opened the letter carefully. It was from his parents. When he started to read it his eyes got wider "No way!" He jumped up and hastily made his way out of the room.

"Hey Yuri, wait! Where are you going?" Minami called but it was already too late. He lost sight of Yuri and it was too crowded to follow him.

Meanwhile Yuri was running to the headmistress office. He was clinging on to his parents letter that informed him about Otabek's awakening.

It didn't take him long to stand infront of the big wooden doors of the office. He opened them without a second thought and entered the office.

"Yuri Nikiforov knock before you enter. Where are your manners?" Professor Macgonagal scolded him. She was sitting behind her big wooden desk with a strict look on her face.

"Sorry but this is important" Yuri said and waited for a reply. He didn't want to anger her more than he already did. The woman sighed and pointed at a chair. Yuri did as he was told and sat down on it. Then he patiently waited for her to say something.

"What might be so important that you forget how to properly enter a room?" McGonagall questioned.

"I need to leave for a while. Please let me off for some days. I'll do anything just let me leave" Yuri demanded desperately.

"I can't let you leave in the middle of the school year. You have classes and it's important for you to attend them" she replied coldly.

"Would you let me leave if I give you a good enough reason to let me go?" the blond asked with a spark of hope.

"Depends on how good your reason is and what your parents say" the Professor responded while sorting her documents.

"Otabek woke up and I have to see him" Yuri explained in hope that she would let him leave.

"Go to class and I'll talk to your parents. If they allow you to leave then you can go home for a week. But you'll have to catch up to what you'll miss in school" she sighed.

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