Summer Holidays

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This year's summer holidays started boring. Yuri was at home watching TV while his parents were both working. At least Potya was there so he didn't feel too lonely. The good thing was that Yuri knew that this bordome will end in about a week. Otabek invited him over for a week and Yuri was looking forward to it. He was curious about his best friend's family and home. He was never at Otabek's before and never met his parents or his siblings. Yuri wasn't even sure if Otabek had siblings. Now that he thought about it, he knew nearly nothing about his best friend.

Yuri heard that someone opened the door and looked towards it. "Hi Yuri are you hungry and have you been sitting there the whole day? You should go out or read a book. Watching TV the whole day is unhealthy" his dad said.

"Mind your own business pig" the blond boy said annoyed but was secretly happy that someone came home. He was bored alone and although he had Potya he still wanted someone else there.

"Ok sorry do whatever you want but are you hungry? " Yuuri asked a second time.

"Sure" the boy answered and turned off the TV. He went to the kitchen where his dad started to cook something. "What are you cooking? " he asked and sat down in a chair.

"Lasagna but I can cook something else if you don't like it" the ebony haired man said with a kind smile.

"No lasagna is fine" his son answered and watched him while he was cooking.

"You know that you can talk right? Why are you so quiet today?" Yuuri asked.

"I'm not in the mood to talk with a pig" Yuri replied.

"Ok than do you want me to talk or do you prefer to sit here in silence? " his dad said while preparing the sauce for the lasagna.

"I don't mind listening but don't tell me boring shit" Yuri said and Yuuri started talking about work and other stuff. After a while he was done cooking and both of them ate their meals.

After a week it was finally time to go to Otabek's. Yuri had already packed all his things and was now on his way. Victor agreed to drive him there so they were sitting in Victor's car and listening to music. Sure there were faster ways to travel but Yuuri insisted that they would do it in a 'normal' way. After about two hours they arrived and before Yuri could leave Victor started talking "Have fun and don't forget to write us if something happens".

"Shut up old man. I am fine by myself and I don't need you to worry about me" Yuri said and walked away with his things.

Otabek's house was different than he imagined it. It was gigantic and looked more like a castle than a house. The house was in the middle of a forest so there were no neighbour or other people around. Yuri walked up to the door, rung the bell and waited for someone to open it which Otabek did after a minute or so.

"You never told me that you're this rich" Yuri said.

"My dad is an important minister of the Ministry of magic and my mom has a successful company in the muggle world" Otabek said and took Yuris thing. The blond boy followed him to a room where Otabek put his thing down and then said "that will be your room for this week. We are alone right now because my parent and sister are out shopping".

They went to the living room in silence and when they arrived Yuri said "So you have a sister".

"Yes she is eight years old and her name is Elana. I can't believe you didn't know that I have a sister"

"How could I know. You never told me"

Before they could talk more the door sprung open and a girl came in happily screaming "Ota look I got you a present". She jumped in Otabek's laps and gave him a small bag.

"Oh thanks Ela that's nice" Otabek said and opened the bag. In it were black leather gloves.

"You like black and leather and it will be cold in winter so you might need it" the brown haired girl said with a wide smile.

"I am thankful but it's summer Ela. I can't use them in the near future"

"Yes but they are for winter. I don't want your fingers to get cold while you play Quidditch"

"That's a bit early. You could've buyed them in winter and sent them to me"

Elana turned towards Yuri and started looking excited "Ota Ota ist that your friend. The one you're always talking -"

"That's enough Ela. Yes that is Yuri and Yuri this is Elana" Otabek introduced them while shutting the mouth of his sister with his hand.

"Hi Ela" Yuri said and continued with a smirk "So what are you telling your little sister?".

"Ahm it's actually nothing. Just that you're a good friend and stuff that happens in school" Otabek said with a light blush.

"Why are you lying Ota. You're always saying that Yuri is incredibly beautiful and that he has the eyes of a soldier and that you want him to be-"

"That's enough Ela" Otabek said and shutted her mouth again. Than he yelled"Mom can you please come and get Ela. She annoys me and Yuri"

Yuri was blushing a bit and thought about what Elana said before. Otabek wanted him to be his ... what exactly did he want Yuri to be. It was on his mind all day. The week was fun. Otabek's parents liked Yuri too and they were nice. It was different than at his home because the house was almost always quiet. Although Otabeks parents were nice they were pretty distant. Only Elana tried to be near Otabek all the time. After a day she started calling Yuri prince and Yuri called her princess in return. When the week ended all of them were sad because beeing at home alone was boring and they had a lot of fun together. Otabek and Yuri wrote each other some letters over the left time and soon they were sitting in the Hogwarts Express again.

This year all of them were sitting together. It was Yuris third year already. Otabek, Seung Gil and JJ were in fifth grade now and Leo and Guang Hong were in fourth grade.


Normally Victor does everything parent related because he is a wizard but this time I wanted to give Yuuri some attention too. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also this is a very long chapter. I normally try to write about 500 to 800 words but this time I wrote 1139 words.

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