Summer holidays 2

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"It's time to get up" a soft voice spoke. The blond boy forced his eyes open and found himself looking into Yuuri's chocolate brown eyes.

"Now?" Yuri groaned tired. It was still dark outside and he wanted to sleep some more.

"Yes, now or do you want to miss your flight?" the raven haired man asked while lovingly caressing Yuri's blond hair.

Suddenly Yuri remembered that today was the day he was leaving. His eyes widened in realisation and he jumped out of his bed. He was fully awake now.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Yuuri asked. He moved over to the door and waited for an answer. Meanwhile Yuri was hastily grabbing clothes from different drawers.

"Anything is fine" the blond replied and rushed passed him into the bathroom.

A few minutes later Yuri came down into the kitchen where Yuuri was cooking something. Judging by the smell it was oatmeal. Yuri grinned at how British his dad sometimes was.

"Are you exited?" Yuuri smiled and turned away from the stove.

"Yeah" Yuri replied and got the bowls and spoons out for them. They ate breakfast while talking about Romania. Yuri told Yuuri facts about dragons and what kind of them they had in the Romanian preservation. Of course Yuuri couldn't memorize any of it. He never understood his son's facination for gigantic, flying reptiles.

After breakfast they put Yuri's luggage in the car. It was still dark and there were almost no other cars on the road. The blond was watching the landscape passing by. The silence and darkness made Yuri tired again. He yawned and closed his eyes.

"How late did you go to bed yesterday?" the black haired man asked smiling.

"As soon as we were done with dinner. I'm probably tired because it's way too early in the morning" the blond explained.

"Well, maybe you should try to get some more sleep on the plane" Yuuri suggested.

"I don't think I'll be tired on the plane. Just let me close my eyes for a while" the blond murmured.

It took them about 20 more minutes before they arrived at the airport. The blond fell asleep on their way there and Yuuri had to wake him up again.

They walked into the airport together and waited there for a while. When Yuri had to go to the cheek in it was time to say goodbye. Yuuri hugged Yuri before the boy went through the check in and security. There he had to wait about two more hours before they finally boarded his plane.

The flight was long and boring. It was a three hour flight and there was literally nothing he could do. Unfortunately they didn't have any movies on the plane and the guy siting next to him looked very unfriendly. Yuri tried to fall asleep but he wasn't tired enough to do so. When the pilot announced their arrival, the blond boy felt nothing but relieved. He finally made it to Romania.

After getting his luggage he walked out to the exit area. There he looked for Ash and Eiji and it didn't take him long to find them. That was because they had a ridiculously big banner with "Welcome to Romania Yuri" on it. They also wore t-shirts that had the same slogan and his face printed on them.

Yuri got red from embarrassment as he felt people's eyes on him "What the hell is all this?"

"This is our way to show you how much we missed you" Ash explained laughing. He knew that the blond boy would hate this and that was exactly why he enjoyed it so much.

"C-can we just leave? People are staring at us" Yuri mumbled and his friends nodded laughing.

"Sorry, I tried to talk Ash out of this but you know that there is nothing that would embarrass him" Eiji apologised even though he was wearing the same t-shirt as Ash and seemed to enjoy Yuri's reaction just as much too.

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