Second Year part 1

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This day strongly reminded Yuri of his first day in Hogwarts. It was all the same with the small difference that he knew that on the other side of that wall his best friend will be waiting for him. He took a deep breath and run through that wall. The familiar sight of the Hogwarts Express and loads of parents with their kids appeared before him and the blond boy quickly started to search for Otabek in the big crowd. He was really focused and didn't notice when Victor was talking to him until he lightly shook him.

"Yurio why aren't you listening. I was just telling you how much I love you and how much I'll miss you" he whined.

"Vitya we should probably go. I think our Yurio is waiting for someone" Yuuri said playfully which was really uncommon for him. His sons face turned red while his husband smirked at the prior comment and answerd "You're right let's go". Both of them said goodbye to Yuri and left.

The blond boy was standing there all alone now and searched for his best friend. "Where the hell are you Otabek Altin" he whisperd to himself. Yuri wanted to turn around and get in the train as he bumped into someone taller than him. He wanted to yell at them but stopped himself from doing so when he saw who he bumped into. "There you are" he said inaudible.

They both got onto the train and talked about their holidays for a while. Yuri then noticed something "I know this is a little bit late but where are the others?".

Otabek couldn't hide a smile at that and answerd "Leo and Guang Hong wanted to be alone. JJ found himself a girlfriend and is probably with her right now. Seung Gil will come later. He got sick and is staying at home for the next days".

Soon they arrived in Hogwarts and after the ceremony was over both went up to their rooms.

Yuri entered the room and noticed that something was different. There was no whisper and no hurtful comments. He looked at his roommates. They were all already lying in bed and sleeping. The blond boy came to his room a little bit late because he was talking to Otabek before but they should have been awake at this time. They normally stayed up to at least midnight and this was even their first day so they should have stayed up even longer than that. He stopped thinking about it and went to sleep himself. There was not much he could do anyways. He stood up early to avoid them and went down to breakfast to meet Otabek. After that he went up to get something from his room. He entered and saw all of his roommates still sleeping. "How long will they sleep" he wondered and walked to one of them and wanted to wake him up. He knew that Adrew would get angry but beeing asleep for so long is weird. When he stood right beside him he saw it and instantly tried to shake him awake. Andrew didn't wake up though and Yuri got more and more scared at that.


Sorry I didn't uploaded in quite a while. I am busy with school right now but I still want to write that story. Thanks to all of you who read it.

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