Summer holidays part 1

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This years summer holidays were kind of special. Victor and Yuuri decided to do a trip around Europe and allowed Yuri to invite one friend. Of course the boy chose Otabek who happily accepted the offer.

The plan was to go to France, Germany, Italy and Spain. First they would visit Paris, France. Next was Berlin, Germany. Then they would go to Rome, Italy. The last thing planned was going to Barcelona, Spain.

They drove to the airport where they waited for Otabek. As soon as Yuri saw him, he run up to him and hugged him.
"Hey Yura, I missed you too, but would you mind letting me go" the Kazakh boy giggled.

"Yeah sorry. We need to hurry so let's go to the old man and the pig" Yuri replied and both hurried to where Yuri's parents were waiting for them. "We have to hurry guys" Victor reminded them and soon all of the were sitting in the plane. Yuri actually fell asleep after some time and while he was asleep he fell onto Otabek's shoulder.

"Oh he fell asleep" Yuuri said with a loving smile when he saw his son sleeping on Otabek's shoulder.

"Yeah I didn't want to wake him up. I hope that is ok" Otabek answerd.

"Of course it is but were landing in about 15 minutes so we should wake him up" the ebony haired man explained and started shaking Yuri who opened his eyes slowly and already had a grumpy look on his face.

"Why the fuck did you wake me up you ugly piggy" he said tired.

"We're landing soon so you should get ready to leave the plane" Yuuri answered and ignored most parts of what his son said before. He then went back to his seat.

They landed, got their luggage and checked into the hotel. Yuri and Otabek were sharing a room. It was a good and bad thing at the same time. They could spend more time with each other but also had to think more about their relationship which was hard for both of them. Also Yuri couldn't forget about Otabek's crush. He really wanted to know who his best friend liked but didn't had the guts to ask.

They had two days in Paris and decided to spend the first day together. Victor and Yuuri wanted to go on a date on the second day which meant that Yuri and Otabek could do whatever they wanted. They went to the Eifel Tower and Louvre on the first day. It was very fun and tiring for Yuri. He had to endure hearing his parents flirt all day. Not yelling at them was very hard and he looked forward for beeing away from them tomorrow.

On the next day they could do whatever they wanted and the best thing about it was that Yuuri and Victor weren't around. Yuri woke up first and then woke up Otabek. They ate breakfast and then decided to walk around first and just go to any place that stood out or came to their minds. "Yura let's go there" Otabek said and pointed at a brochure. Yuri looked at it and smiled "that's a great idea. I always wanted to go to Disneyland".

They looked up how to get to Disneyland and decided it was best to go by train. After the ride they had to wait in a very long line to get the tickets. They also had to wait in long lines for every ride but all in one it was fun. Yuri wanted to go on everything that looked extreme and Otabek just went along with Yuri. After a while they got themselves some cotton candy and sat down on a bench. "Thanks for inviting me Yura" Otabek said.

"You're welcome I guess" Yuri replied with a blush and then took a deep breath before asking that one question he really wanted to ask for weeks "Otabek do you have a crush?".

Otabek looked very surprised and replied with a question "why are you asking?".

"You talked about that with JJ, didn't you? But you never told me" the blond boy explained.

"I do have a crush" Otabek confirmed.

"That's all you want to say. Who is it?" Yuri tried to find out as much as possible about Otabek's crush but Otabek tried to hide as much as possible about them "I don't really want to talk about them".

"You could talk about that chrush of yours with JJ but you can't tell me about them?" the smaller boy stated disappointed.

"No it's just that JJ found out by himself. I don't want to talk about it and didn't want to talk about it that time. JJ just kept asking me about them and threatened to tell them that I like them" Otabek explained. It started raining so they left without talking and went back to their hotel.

"Hey Yurio, Otabek" a happy voice called them as soon as they entered the hotel. Victor and Yuuri were standing in the lobby and waiving.

"What do you want old man" Yuri said as he run towards him. He obviously ha a bad mood.

"I just wanted to ask you about your day" the silver haired man explained while holding Yuuris hand.

"I dont want to talk to you or the pig" Yuri said and walked away leaving Otabek behind.

"So what happened?" Victor asked Otabek.

"I might have made him angry. It wasn't my intention" Otabek said quietly while looking down.

"So even you can get nervous" the Russian man joked and then asked "what have you done?".

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to" Yuuri said before Otabek could answer.

"But I want to know" Victor whined.

That somehow lightened the mood and Otabek smiled a bit. It reminded him of Victor's childish behaviour and reassured him that both of Yuri's parents wouldn't get angry at him. "He asked me something and I didn't want to answer" the boy explained before walking away.

"What do you think did Yurio ask?" Victor questioned.

"I don't know and it is none of our business" Yuuri replied coldly. He kind of suspected the direction of the questions and didn't want to hurt his son's feelings. If there was one thing that could get Yuri out of his comfort zone and totally hurt him, than it would be talking about him having a crush on Otabek and everything that had something to do with it.


Writing about the holidays is actually my favourite part. I never know what I write before I do it. That is different from writing about their school life since I have a plan for it. Also I can include Victor and Yuuri more.

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