Saving a friendship (11)

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Draco's POV:
I got up from Ella's bed and walked out of the common room. I spent the most amazing night of my life. I wanted to keep laying next to her but I needed to find Blaise. I was feeling so guilty for treating him like that. Was that our friendship? I didn't need to search long because I found him on the quidditch field.

I walked over to him and said: "How are you?"

"I'm fine" he replied coldly.

"Blaise, we need to talk. I didn't know, really. I support you in every possible way."

Blaise smiled.

"Thanks, man"

"Do you think you will ever be able to forgive me?" I asked seriously, but he laughed.

"I've already forgiven you!" I stared at him with wide eyes.


"Yes. You couldn't have known and I now know that you support me and that's the most important thing!" he replied calmly.

So we decided to walk back to the slytherine common room where Ella came to meet us with a big smile on her face. She was adorable.

"Where have you been?" she asked while giving me a gentle kiss on the lips.

"We talked" I replied taking her hand and interwining our fingers.

"Come with me" she commanded while dragging me on the corridor. We kept walking, laughing and stopping sometimes to kiss each other. We were searching for a quiet place, when something black appeared in front of us.

 I dragged Ella behind me. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Bellatrix just appeared in front of us laughing.

"What do you want, Bellatrix?" I asked shocked and then, surprisingly, Ella asked, like they've known each other for years:


Hi guys, I know this chapter is very short. I'm sorry but I needed to post a chapter because I'm losing reads. Something is going on. So don't forget to vote and to comment.

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