The sorting ceremony (2)

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After he finished I went to the chair, where the sorting hat was waiting for me and sat down.

I looked at the tables full of different kinds of food, all of the kids were staring at me with curiosity in their eyes and I was starting to feel anxious. 

"A Lovegood, interesting. You love to read, that would make you a good ravenclaw, but you are also very ambitious and brave.... Let me think. I think I have the perfect one for you..."

I heard a lot of people whisper"she is definitely a ravenclaw!"

"Slytherine!"the sorting hat says.

I gasped. I expected everything but definitely not this! I searched for Luna in the big room and saw her speechless. She also looked really sad. While I walked to the slytherine table I saw that blonde guy again. The only free seat was next to him. After a while he says loud enough for everyone to hear him:

"A Lovegood, huh? Hope mommy and daddy won't be mad to find out their daughter interrupted the pure ravenclaw line"

He was as  beautiful as arrogant and annoying.
Everyone laughed especially him. I just ignored them.
It was going to be a rough year!


After a while I tried to find the slytherine common room without any success. I got lost after only a few seconds walking around randomly. I just sat down on the floor and waited for anyone to come to ask them to show me the way.
Ten minutes later the blonde guy walked in my direction and said with a smirk on his face:

"Are you lost, Lovegood? I can help you find the slytherine common room if you want to!"

"I don't need your help" I replied but his smile just got bigger.

"This way" he insisted for a reason I didn't know, but I had to follow him, becouse I really had to go to my bedroom to put all my clothes in the wardrobe and search Luna to try to talk to her.

We both walked without saying anything. I sometimes looked at him to admire his beautiful blue/grey eyes. While I was staring at him hoping he didn't notice I realised that I didn't know his name.

"Who are you?" I asked and he started laughing! Why was he smiling like that, what was so funny?

"You seriously don't know who I am?"he asked.

"No, should I?" I replied.

"I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy."he said ignoring my second question.

"Here we are!" he said smiling like always. I didn't even realise that we stopped! I didn't even say thanks, I just went to the door and tried to enter but it was locked. Draco started laughing so hard. He told me the keyword and the door finally opened. I gave him a fake smile and entered...

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