Bella (12)

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Ella's POV:

"Bella?" I asked surprised to shocked her. She was the last person I expected to ever see again. A question crossed my mind. How did Draco know her? 

While I was wondering about that Bellatrix said smirking:
"Ella, nice to see you again! I have great news: today the whole family will be reunited!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Draco asked.

"Oh Draco, darling. You know exactly what I'm talking about!" she replied, the smirk still lingering on her lips.

"What is going on?" I asked.

"Ella. How do you know Bellatrix?"

"I could as you the same thing, Draco! How do you know her?" I asked starting to get angry. I hated being in the dark. 

"So... I'm sorry to interrupt your little discussion, well actually I'm not, but we need to go!"

"She is not going anywhere!"Draco said standing right in front of me. I pushed him gently to the side and took a step towards Bella.

"What the hell are you doing, Ella?! You can't trust her!"

"It's not true! I can trust Bella! I've known her my whole life!" I really hated it when people told me what to do, especially guys.

《What are you talking about?" I just ignored him and continued walking towards Bellatrix.

"Oh Draco, darling. Follow your girlfriend and shut up."

"How do you know Draco?"

"That's something he has to tell you, darling." Bellatrix sad, gently smiling at me, like she always used to do. 

"Why?" She didn't reply but instead grabbed my arm.  She then opened a portal and pushed me into it. I reappeared in a strange arena. Everything seemed so sad and scary. There was, in the middle of the arena, a table where, there were sitting a lot of familiar faces. Draco's father was one of them. He was staring at me with his serious face. A few seconds later Draco appeared with Bellatrix on his side. He seemed desperate, not really knowing what to do. I looked back to the table, there was also Snape. I was wondering what a professor could be doing with these people. 

"Here she is!" Bellatrix shouted to the others. Cheers and applause followed her sentence.
"And all thanks to our little Draco" she added. 

What was she talking about? Why was it so important that I was there? And why thanks to Draco? I noticed an exit on my right side and tried to run away, but after only a few steps Snape grabbed me and pulled me back to where I was standing before. 

"I wouldn't try to escape another time, miss Lovegood" he said with his usual accent, but his words sounded like a threat. 
"He soon will be here"

"Who are you talking about?" I asked him, but he didn't reply

"Who is this "he" everyone's talking about?" I asked again, starting to get a panick attack, a few seconds later I saw him. The one and only Lord Voldemort.

Hi guys! I'm so sorry it took me so long to update! Really. I don't really like this chapter, it's written really bad. Sorry also for that. Quick change of subject.
We just hit 2k! That's crazy! Thank you so much for every single comment and like. I really appreciate it. I love you so much guys! I'm so grateful for this amazing community!

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