"Couldn't you get some where else fresh air?" (3)

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I found my room and put all my clothes in the wardrobe .

Everything was green, as expected. There were multiple green chairs and sofas around the room.  My favourite part was probably the fireplace, it seemed such a calm place. I was happy to have a place where I could hide from all of the problems I might have here.

After admiring the room I asked some random slytherine where to find the ravenclaw common room. I followed the indications and got to the entrance. Fortunately a ravenclaw was in front of the door and I was able to ask him if he could find Luna. After he disappeared behind the door Luna came to me with a strange look upon her face.

"Luna, I am so sorry. I didn't know!" I said genuinly worried about her thoughts.

"It's not your fault"she replied in her tipical high voice.

"I never wanted to be a slytherine and you know it"

"I know, Ella, I know. Nothing will change between us. I really have to study now. Enjoy your first day at Hogwarts."

I didn't know what else to say so I just let her go away.


I walked back to the slytherine common room, where a girl was sitting on the couch. She had short brown hair with a fringe.

"You must be the new girl, right?"I nodded.

"I am Pansy Parkinson. Draco's girlfriend!" she said.

Poor girl, she had to stand Draco all of the time. I strongly belived that it was impossible and since I didn't know what so say so I just went to my room.


After an hour reading it was time to go to dinner.
I sat on the slytherine table between two girls I didn't know. I often looked at the ravenclaw table to observe Luna.
The food was very tasty so I finished it very fast.
Draco obviously noticed it!

"Didn't you get enough food at home?"he said with his typical smirk.

"Shut up, Malfoy" I replied and went away.

It was too early to go to sleep so I decided to go outside. The garden was as green as the slytherine commone room, except for multiple flowers all in different colors. There were also some lights flying around to make the atmosphere romantic. I would want to have my first date here. There was a bank. I sat down and started thinking about what happened today, when a boy sat next to me without saying anything.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" I asked annoyed.

"I just wanted to get some fresh air." That smirk again.

"The garden is big, couldn't you search someone else to get fresh air?"

"No, I couldn't" he replied.

So annoying! I just stood up and walked away but he grabbed my hand.

"What?" I questioned seriously sick of his fooling around and it was only the first day!

"Stay" he demanded. It sounded like a command. No, actually it was a command but I didn't care.

"Why should I?" He didn't reply so I just went to bed.

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