"I'm gonna tell you a secret" (8)

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I woke up at 7 am. I got dressed and went to the Slytherin table to have breakfast. I was really excited to see Draco again, even though we just kissed. I also was going to Hogsmeade today. When I arrived to the Slytherin table I saw pansy kissing Draco hardly. I was disgusted. I sat down far away from the others but then Blaise said:

"Why don't you sit with us, Lovegood?"

"A nice offer but one I must decline" I replied looking straight into Draco's eyes, wo had stopped kissing Pansy and was now staring at me.

"Why"  Blaise asked. I didn't answer, giving in, and set next to Blaise and in front of Draco. The only time I looked up Draco was eating a green apple. He took a bite without stopping staring at me. Why had Draco to be so sexy?

I spent the whole breakfast talking to Blaise. It was nice to have a friend. After breakfast it was time to go to Hogsmeade but when I was about to meet Luna, Draco came up to me and asked:

"Where are you going?"

"None of your business"I replied annoyed.


"To Hogsmeade. Why do you care anyway?"

"No, you're not going"

"I'm sorry what?"

"We have to study"

"No I'm busy! Plus you said yesterday that we had almost went through everything."

"If you dont come I won't be you're tutor anymore!" he smirked

"Ugh. Fine"

I went to Luna, I told her everything and she wasnt angry. I was really happy about that, because I was so lucky to have such a nice and understanding sister. I, on the other hand, would have been pretty pissed.

After that I went to Draco.

"Are you angry?" he asked. How could he even ask that. Of course was I angry! Men are so stupid sometimes.


"You sure?"I didn't reply.
We arrived at Draco's room. When we opened the door, we saw Pansy lying on Draco's bed with only lingerie on! It was disgusting! It's not that she didn't have anice body but hating her character made me hate her bosy aswell. 

Pansy got up and walked to Draco moving in a slow sensual way. I was about to vomit.

"What are you doing here, Pansy?"Draco asked.

"We had an appointment" she said smiling like an idiot.

"No we didn't"
"You may leave now"he dismissed her like she was his maid. I would never let a man talk to me like that. I wasn't a puppy. 

Pansy took her robe and went away. Damn she was so angry, that when she walked past me, she spit in my face. I tried to push her away but Draco grabbed my arms.

"You bitch!" I screamed.

"Let me go, Malfoy! Immediately!!!" I said to him.

"She is not worth it"he said letting me go. I was still very angry.

"You wanted to study?"I said with a cold voice.

He stared at me for a few seconds but then nodded.

"How about we explore the human body?"he said smirking.

"Fuck you" I said walking away angrily. Today was not my day. I just walked out of the common room without having a destination.On corridor I met Blaise, who seemed really sad.

"Hey" I said.

"What's up?"

"Nothing"he replied so fast that it sounded sus.

"You're acting sus"I said.

"C'mon. You can tell me"I added.

"How do I know that I can trust you and that you are not going to judge me?"he asked.

"There's only one way to find out!"I replied smiling gently.

"There's this person that I like....They are a Hufflepuff"

"That's cool Blaise"

"The problem is that I don't know if this person is interested in me.."

"Why shouldn't this person be?"

"I'm gonna tell you a secret, but you have to swear not to tell anyone." he made me promise.

"I swear"

"Alright..... This person is a boy. I'm gay."

"Blaise this is amazing" I said seriously happy for him.

"Who is he?" I asked curiously.

"His name is Cedric Diggory." he said smiling.

"Uuuh Diggory. I want to help you, Blaise."

"Really? Thanks, you don't know how much it means to me to be accepted for who I am."

We got up and walked to back to the common room. I was so happy to have a new friend! Maybe this year wasnt going to be so lonely.

Hi!!! I have a few things to say!

1. I'm really trying to add diversity to this fanfiction.
2. In this story Cedric Diggory will be alive!!
3. This chapter is really long so it might take a while to upload the next chapter.
4. Thank you so much for 500 views!!!

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